JKSSB VARIOUS POSTS 1 Selection List for the Posts of Teacher : JKSSB

Selection List for the Posts of Teacher : JKSSB

Selection List of Candidates under SRO-202 for the post of “Teacher” (School Education Department). Item No. 033 (01 of 2016) District Cadre Baramulla.

Consequent upon an indent / requisition received by the Board vide No. EDU-I/322/2009 dated 08-1-02013 (Back Log Posts) from the School Education Department for the post of Teacher (District Cadre Baramulla), an advertisement notice in respect of the said posts was issued by the Board vide advertisement notification #01 of 2016, dated 01-06-2016 under Item No. 033 with the category wise break up as under:

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”http://jkssb.nic.in/Pdf/Downloader.ashx?nid=18151&type=n” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here to Download Full Notification[/button]

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