iconopdf MBA-3104 : BRAND MANAGEMENT - Syllabus

MBA-3104 : BRAND MANAGEMENT – Syllabus

Maximum Marks: 100

Semester Examination: 70

Internal Assessment: 30



Basic understanding of brands  – concepts and process  – significance of a brand  –brand mark and trade mark  – different types of brand  – family brand, individual brand, private brand  – selecting a brand name  – functions of a brand  – branding decisions – influencing factors.


Brand vision  – brand ambassadors  – brand as a personality, as trading asset, Brand extension – brand positioning – brand image building.


Branding impact on buyers  – competitors, Brand loyalty  – loyalty programmes  –brand equity – role of brand manager – Interrelations with manufacturing, marketing, finance, purchase and R & D – brand audit.


Brand rejuvenation and re-launch, brand development through acquisition takes over and merger – Monitoring brand performance over the product life cycle. Co-branding.Designing and implementing branding strategies – Case studies

Suggested Readings:

1. Kevin Lane Keller, “Strategic brand Management”, Person Education, New Delhi, 2003.

2. Lan Batey Asian Branding – “A great way to fly”, Prentice Hall of India, Singapore 2002.

3. Jean Noel, Kapferer, “Strategic brand Management”, The Free Press, New York, 1992.

4. Paul Tmeporal, Branding in Asia, John Wiley & sons (P) Ltd., New York, 2000.

5. S.Ramesh Kumar, “Managing Indian Brands”, Vikas publishing House (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.

6. Jagdeep Kapoor, Brandex, Biztantra, New Delhi, 2005
iconopdf MBA-3104 : BRAND MANAGEMENT - Syllabus


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