Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has advertised various Posts via Notifications 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 of 2019. Syllabus for the Post of Junior Staff Nurse
- Theory
- Introduction
- Different parts of the human body, common Anatomical terms, Anatomical Positions and important
- Animal Cell
- Tissue of the body, classification and function
- Primary tissues of the
ü Skeletal System
- Joints & Movements
- Muscle & Monce
ü Gastro-intestinal System
- Mouth and Pharynx
- Salivary Glands and Tonsils
- Oesophagus and Stomach
- Location of different organs in the Abdomen in situ
- Liver and Gall Bladder
- Spleen and
ü Genito-Urinary System
- Kidney
- Ureters, Bladder and Urethra
- Male Reproductive System
- Female Reproductive System
ü Respiratory System
- Thoracic, Pleura and Lungs
ü Cardio Vascular System
- Heart and Pericardium
- Arterial System
- Venous and Lymphatic System
ü Nervous System
- Meaning and cerebrospinal fluid
- Brain, Spinal cord and the
ü Loco-Motor System
- Parts of upper Limb :- Bones Land marks and important vessels
ü Theory
ü Blood
- Composition and General function of Blood
- Description of Blood cells :- Normal Counts and
- Anti-congulants
ü Cardio-Vascular System
- Function of heart and blood
- Circulation :- Systemic Circulation Pulmonary
ü Respiratory System
- Name of the Structure involved in respiration and their
- External and Internal respiration. How respiration and expiration are brought
- Transport of O2 and CO2 in the
- Definition of respiratory Rate, Tidal Volume, Vital Capacity, Cyanosis,
ü Excretory System
- Functions of Kidney
- Formation & Composition of Urine Normal and abnormal
ü Skin
- Functions of skin
ü Digestive System
- Composition and functions of saliva, Mastication and
- Functions of Stomach, Composition of Gastric Juice Pancreatic Juice, Bile and Succus entericus.
ü Endocrine Glands
- Definition, name and the hormones secreted by
- Major action of each
ü Reproductive System
- Male Genital System
- Female Genital System
- Names of Primary and Accessory Sex organs in male and Female. Secondary Sexual characters in male and
- Functions of ovary, formation of Ova, actions of ovarian
- Functions of Testis – Spermatogenesis and actions of
ü Blood Group
- ABO and Rh. Basis for classification, basis for determination, importance and Blood
ü Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Formation, composition and
Ø Practical
- Demonstration of parts of body(Bony) landmarks on the surface
- Identification of cells and basic
- Skeletel System, Identification of Bones and Joints
- Demonstration of Interior of Thorox with organs in
- Respiratory System and Pleurae
- Heart and Blood Vessels
- Demonstration and Identification of various organs with in abdomen
- Liver and Gall Bladder
- Peritoneum stomach and
- Male Genital System
- Female Genital System
- Central Nervous System, Spinal Cord and Site of Lumber Puncture examination will be :-
- Identification of bones or parts of skeletal system
- Identification of basic tissues under the microscope
- Identification of certain organs and Viva
- Surface marking of any of the important
- Identification of sites of blood vessels or muscles for injections and site of lumbar
- Microscopic – Usage, maintenance and Minor repairs
- Behaviour of RBC in isotonic, Hypotonic and Hypertonic Sodium Chloride Solution
- Identification of Blood Cells Focused under Microscope :-
- Various types of WBC
- Platelets
- To obtain samples of Plasma and Serum
- Preparations of Anti-Coagulants : double oxalate and Sodium CCitrate
- Hacmatocrit
- Identification of ruled area in Neubauer’s Chamber RBC and WBC Pipettes and Wintrobes and Westergren Pipettes
- Demonstration of Normal Constituents of Urine and Abnormal Constituents E.G Glucose and Protein
- Record
Ø Theory
- Elementary knowledge of Inorganic Chemistry Atomic Weight Molecular weight, Equivalent weight –Acids, basis and Salts Indicators Molar Solutions, Buffer Solution, Titration (Acid Base) Definition of Solution. Methods of expressing concentration – Dilution.
- Elementary knowledge of organic Chemistry – organic Compounds. Aliphatic and Aromatic. Alcohols, Aldehydes, ketones, Amines, Esters, Phenol, Acids Colloids
- Elementary of Analytical Chemistry I Instrumentation, centrifuge Balances, Colorimeter, Spetrophtometer, Flamephotometer, Flurimeter
- Aims and Scope Biochemistry.
- Carbohydrates :- Importance, Definition, Classification some
- Proteins – Aminoacids, essential amino acids, peptides, denaturation of proteins, Physiologically important proteins, functions of plasma
- Lipid – Definition, Classification, Steroids,
- Nucleic Acids- DNA and RNA their
- Haemoglobin
- Enzymes and Co-Enzymes
- Gastric Juice collection
- Carbohydrate – Metabolism – elementary aspects, definition of Glucolysis, Glycogenolysis Hormonal regulation of Blood Sugar Diabetes-Mellitus – Ketosis, Gcosuria, Renal Glycosuria,
- Metabolism of Lipids – elementary aspects, Triglyeerides, Cholestrol, Plasma Lipoproteins- Ketone bodies and
- Protein Metabolism – Formation of Urea, Creatinine Proteinuria Edema, Transaminases
- Water and Mineral Metabolism – Dehydration, Calcium Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Iron, Iodine their physiological functions and disease
- Harmones – definition, functions of some important
- Blood and cerebrospinal Fluid functions of Blood &
- Urine Normal and abnormal
Ø Practical
- Basic Techniques :-
- Cleaning of Glassware
- Preparation of Chromic acid wash solution
- Preparation of saturated
- Types and use of
- Balance types and
- Preparation of percent solution / volume / volume components (V/V)
- Preparation of percent solution weight by volume (W/V)
- Preparation of Molar
- Preparation of Buffer
- Indicators pH, determination of unknown
- Preparation of Normal
- Titration – (Acid Base) Preparation of Primary
- Titration preparation of Normal Solutions
- Preparation of Protein
- Use and maintenance of
- Colorimeter – types, components, use and
- Colorimetry – Choice of
- Spectrophotometer components and use
- List of spare parts of equipments
- Distillation of water-setting up Glass Distillation Unit and Metal water Distillation
- Diagnostic tests on Urine :-
- Collection and
- Physical characteristics and specific gravity
- U
- Qualitative tests for urea, Uric Acid, Creatinine, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium and
- Urea clearance and Creatinine
- Abnormal Constituents of
- Qualitative test for Sugar, Albumin, Ketone Bodies, Blood, Bile Salt and Bile
- Da…..tests on
- Collection and preservation of Blood, Serum and
- Estimation of Blood
- Glucose Tolerance
- Non-Protein nitrogenous compound :
- Determination of Serum Urea, Uric Acid and Creatinine
- Determination of Serum Protein
- Albumin, Globulin, Fibrignogen & AG
- Serum
- Serum Enzymes :
- Serum Bilirubin :
- Serum Lipids :
- Determination of Na*, K* and
- Determination of inorganic Phosphorus
- Determination of
- Determination of transminases (GOT and GPT)
- Determination of Phosphatase (Alkaline phosphate and acid Phosphate)
- Determination of Amylase
- Determination of total and direct bilirubin
- Lipid Profile
- Determination of Serum Cholesterol
- Liver Function
- Diagnostic test on other body fluids
- Gastric juice :-
- Test of Hcl. Blood and Starch
- Free and Total acidity
- Gastric function
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Determination of sugar
- Determination of Proteins
- Determination of Proteins
- Pandy’s
- Kidnet or renal function test :
- Importance of renal function tests
o Tests
- Concentration / Specific Gravity test
- Dilution test
- Urea Clearance Test
- Creatinine Clearance test
- Laboratory Maintenance and empowerment
- Quality Control
- Automation and Kits
- Laboratory
ü Theory
Requirement and use of Common Laboratory Equipment.
- Incubator, Hot Air Oven, Autoclave, Water bath, Anacrobic jar Vaccum Pump, Media Pouring Chamber, refrigerator, Centrifuge
- Principal, Operation, Care and Use of Microscope
Sterilization and Disinfection.
- Classification and Genaral principles of Sterilization. Physical Chemical and Mechanical Methods Disposal of contaminated media, Syringes, Glossware, Apparatus.
Classification and Morphology of Bacteria.
- Brief Outline of :-
- Structure of cell, capsule, Flagella and spores
- Growth Bacteria
- Nutrition of
· Staining of Bacteria :
- Simple, Grams, Ziehl-Neelsen, Albert, Spore Stain
- Composition and preparation of Staining reagents
· Cultivation of Micro Organisms – I (In Detail)
- Classification of Media, Composition of Laboratory culture meida and Special Media
· Cultivation of Micro Organisation – II (In Detail)
- Identification of Bacteria :
- Cultural Characters, Bio Chemical reactions and
- Normal Flora of micro Organisms in the human
- Gam positive and Gram Negative co….Staphylo…..Penumococcus Neisseria (in brief)
· Gram negative Bacilli :
- Salmonella, Shigella, E.Coli, Klebsiella, Protein, Pseudomonas Vibro cholera Haemophilus (In brief)
· Gram Positive Bacilli
- Aerobic
- Corynebacterium diphtheria
- Mycobacterium tubercoulosis and Mycobacterium
• Anacrobic bacilli – Clostridia
- Antibiotic Sensitivity test – Principles and methods of determination of
- Candida, Asperigillus. Dermatophytes
- Brief Account
- Immunity, Antigens, Antibodies and Antigen antibody reaction and their applications in diagnosis of
- Principles, Procedures and Diagnostic significance of agglutination Neutralization and complement fixation reactions.
- Collection and processing of Clinical materials like Sputum. Urine Swabs, Stool, Blood CSF and
- Parasitology :
Brief Account of :- Morphology, Life Cycle, Pathogenicity and Laboratory Diagnosis of :-
- Hystolytica, E, Coli Giardia. Trichomonas. Plasmodia Leishmania, Hook worn Round worn, Whip worm. Tape worm, Echinococcus granulosus, granulosus, Dracunculus, Wucheraria Bancrofti.
Ø Practical
ü Microbiology Practicals :
- Personal safety and
- Emergency treatment for Laboratory accidents
- Care and Cleaning of Glasswares, Syringes, apparatus, preparation of Pasteur pipettes and sealing of
- Operation of Autoclave, Incubator, Water bath, PH meter, Scitz filter. Ph comparator, Vacuum
- Operation of Anaerobic
- Urine C/s & Colony
- Pus C/S.
- Sputum C/S and Blood C/S.
- Sterilization, Packing Loding of materials in Autoclace, Hot Air Oven
- Handling care of Microscope
- Preparation of various Media Pouring and Storage
- Hanging Drop Method
- Collection of Clinical Materials – Blood Urine Stool Pus Swab, Throat Swab
- Receipt and Recording of specimen in the Laboratory and dispatch of specimen to referenc laboratory for
- Gram Stain Z.N Stain Albert’s Stain, Capsule Staining
- Incolution of Clinical Material in Media
- Isolation of Organisms in pure
- Antibiotic Sensitivity test
- Disposal of contaminated materials
- Fungus Examination by wetmount of
- Animal house training collection of blood of sheep and
ü Parasitology Practicals :
- Collection, Preservation and Transporation of fear material for examination of
- Preparation of stained and unstained feeal material for
- Concentration Techniques of Stool
- Preservation of Parasites
- Identification of Ova and Cyst in stool. Occult Blood
- Parasites Blood
- Serology :-
- Widal
- Ra Test
- CRP test
- ASO test
- Elisa for IIIV – 1 &
- HBsAg (Australia Antigen)
- Pregnancy
- Diagnostic Skin Test
- Mauntoux Test
- Casoni’s Test
- Theory
- Introduction of Haematology
- Collection of Blood
- Antieoagulants
- Red Cell Count :
- Haemocytometer
- Methods
- White Cell Count. (Total Leucocyte Count:
- Morphology of White
- Normal
- Romanowsky Stains
- Staining
- Counting Methods
- Absolute Eosi Nophil Count :
- Erytrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- Westergren’s Method
- Wintrobe’s Method
- Factors effecting ESR
- Importance and Limitations
- Normal
- Packed Cell
- Macro and Micro Methods
- Normal
- Haemoglobin Estimation and its clinical Importance
- Red Cell
- Calculations and
- Retienlocyte Count :
- Methods
- Appearance
- Normal
- Sickle Cell Preparation.
- Osmotic Fragility Test
- Scorning
- Qualitative and Quantitative Test
- Normal
- Factors allocating fragility
- Interpretation
- Peripheral Blood Film
- Preparation of Bone Marrow Smears
- Coagulation
- Urimanalysis
- CSF Examination
- Semen Analysis
- Coomb’s
- Process of Coagulation
- Factors of Coagulation
- Tests of Coagulation
- Bleeding time
- Whole Blood Coagulation Time
- Clot Retraction Test
- Toorniquet Test
- Platelet Count
- Normal
- Physical Examination
- Chemical Examination
- Microscopic Examination
- Normal and abnormal Cell Count
- Physical Preterition
- Motility
- Morphology
ü Histotechnology :
- Introduction
- Cell, Tissues and their functions
- Examination Methods of Tissues and Cells
- Fixation of Tissue :
- Classification of fixatives :
- Simple fixatives and their
- Micro anatomical
- Cytolofical
- Tissue Processing
- Collection of specimen
- Labeling and Fixation
- Dehydration
- Cleaning
- Impregnation
- Section Cutting
- Staining
- Decalificatation
- Exfoliative Cytolgy
- Microtomes and their Knives
- Techniques of Section cutting
- Mounting of Sections
- Frozen Section
- Dyes and their properties
- Theory of Staining
- Staining Techniques with haemotoxlin and cosin
- Mounting of Sections
- Common Special Stains
- Fixation
- Decalification
- Detection of end point
- Neutralization and processing
- Types of specimen and preservation
- Preparation and fixation of
- Papanicolaou Staining Techniques
- Sex Chromatin Staining
- Museum
- Reception of specimen
- Preparation of fixation
- Restoration of colour
- Presevation
- Presentation
- Autopsy Technique
- Assisting in Autopssy
- Preservation of organs & Processing of
- Waste disposal and safety in
Ø Practical
ü Pathology Practicals :
- Clinical Pathology :
- Use of Microscope & Care
- Haemoglobin estimation
- RBC Count
- WBC Count
- Platelet Count
- Absolute Eosinophil Count
- Reticulocyte Count
- Leishman Staining and PBF – Normal and abnormal Cells
- Bleeding time
- Clotting time
- Bone Marrow Aspiration – Staining, Staining for Iron Stores
- Prothrombin Time – PTI
- Tests for G6PD deficiency
- Fowtal Haemoglobin Estimation
- Serum / Urine Electrophoresis
- Coombs
Urine Examinations
- Physical Examination Colour Reaction Odour Specific gravity Urinary Volume
Chemical Examination
- Tests for protein, 24 hours Urinary proteins
- Bence Jones Proteins
- Tests for sugar, Ketone bodies
- Urine for bile salts, bile pigments and Urobilinogen
- Microscopic examination of urine
- Semen Analysis.
ü Hestotechnology Practicals
- Fixation Processing, Embedding, Section cutting and preparation of
- Staining of slides H&E Reticulin, PAS Masson Trichrome
- Sharpening of knives for microtomes
- Preparation of adhesive to fix the section to the
Cytology Practicals
- Collection of samples for cytological examination of various body fluids
- Preparation and fixation of cytology smears. Giemsa and papanicolaon staining technique
- Sex Chromatin technique
- Blood Bank
- Theory
- Introduction and Historical aspects
- Human Blood Group Antigens, their inheritance and antibodies
- ABO Blood Group System
- Sub Groups
- Source of Antigens, types of
- Blood Group System.
- Momenclature and types of Antigens
- Mode of inheritance
- Types of antibodies
- Other Blood Group System
- Techniques of Grouping and Cross
- Blood Collection
- Selection and Screening of
- Collection of Blood
- Various anticoagulants used
- Storage of
- Blood
- Procedures and Complications
- Blood Transfusion Reaction, Types, Investigation and Presentation of Transfusion
- Coomb’s test.
- Organisation, operation and Administration and Blood
o Practical
- Slide Technique
- Tube technique
- Cross
- Methods of major Cross Matching
- Typing.
- Rapid Tube Test
- Saline Anti D
- One Stage Albumin Technique
- Two Stage Albumin technique
- Coomb’s antihuman Globulin technique
- Coomb’s
- Direct Coombs
- Indirect Coombs
- Donor Screening and
- Identification
- Recording
- Haemoglobin estimation
- Relevant Medical History of the Donor
- Grouping and Typing of Donor’s Blood
- Drawing of
- Asepsis
- Reassurance
- Vein Puncture re and Collection
- Care of Donor
- Blood
- Anticoagulants preparation
- Recording the details and storage of Blood
- Maintenance and cleaning of various equipments used in Blood
Ø Laboratory Management and Ethics
- Role of the Laboratory in the Health Care Delivery System :
- General
- Human Health &
- Types of Diseases
- Process of Diagnosis
- Laboratory at different levels
- Duties and responsibilities of Laboratory Personnel
- Laboratory Service in the Health Care Delivery System in India :
- Laboratory Service in India
- The Health Administration System in India
- At the National Level\
- At the State Level
- At the District Level
- At the Village Level
- Voluntary Health Organisation in India
- Laboratory Planning :
- General Principals
- Laboratory Goals
- Operational Data
- Market Potential
- Hospital / Laboratory relatives
- Competitions
- Laboratory Trends
- Planning at different levels
- Guiding Principles for planning Hospital laboratory Services
- Factors
- Guiding Principles for Planning
- Functional Criteria
- Operational Demnad
- Sections of a Hospital Laboratory
- Common Area
- Design Aspect
- Space
Planning for a basic health Laboratory.
- Laboratory organization (Laboratory Management Techniques) :
- General Principles
- Components and Functions of a laboratory
- Staffing the Laboratory
- Job descriptions
- Job specification
- Work Schedule
- Personnel re-arrangement and work load
- Care of Laboratory Glassware, Equipments and Instruments and Chemicals etc :
- General Principles
- Care and Cleaning of Glassware
- Making simple glass wares in Laboratory
- Care of equipments, Instruments and apparatus etc
- Laboratory Chemicals their proper use and care
- Specimen Handeling :
- General Principles
- Collection Techniques and containers for specimen
- Types of specimens
- Specimens entry
- Specimens transfer and distribution and re-assignment
- Specimens disposal
- Specimens
- Laboratory Safety :
- General Principles
- Laboratory
- Safety Programmes
- First Aid
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