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JKPSC Mega Recruitment 2022: Apply for 708 Posts Online

Medical Officer Jobs in Jammu: On 18.12.2021, JKPSC announced job notification for the post of Medical Officer has been released officially. MBBS pass Can apply for this job openings. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website jkpsc.nic.in. The application process ends on 19.01.2022.

Company Name JKPSC Recruitment 2021
Post Name Medical Officer Jobs
No of Posts 708 Posts
Salary Rs. 52,700 – Rs. 166,700 /-Per Month
Last Date to Apply 19/01/2022
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Qualification Details:

Subject: Fling up of the posts of Medical Officer (backlog) and (fresh) in the Health & Medical Education Department J&K.

1. Name of the Post: Medical Officer

2. No of Post: 708

3. Qualification:  MBBS or Possession of recognized Graduate Medical qualification included in the first or second schedule or part-ll of the 3rd Scheduled (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, qualifications included in part-lI of the 3rd Scheduled should fulfil the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. 1956. Holders of education

4. Reservation: A candidate seeking his/her consideration under Reserved Categories must ensure that he/she possesses a valid Category certificate on the cut-off date. The candidature of the candidates will be provisional till the genuineness of the reserved category certificate is verified by the Appointing Authority. p Candidates may note that in case a claim for reservation is made on the basis of false/fake/fraudulent certificate, he/she shall be debarred from the examination(s) conducted by the J&K Public Service Commission, in addition to any other penal action as may be deemed appropriate.

5. Salary: Level-9 52700- 166700


OM: 40, PHC: 42, RBA/SC/ST/ALC- 1B/0SC/EWS/PSP: 43, In service 40 candidate/Government

Application Fee:

General Category – Rs.1000, Reserved Categories – Rs.500, PHC Candidates – Nil

Documents Required:

While filing the online application form the applicants are required to upload the documents as per details given below:

a) Documents (Mandatory):-

i) Date of Birth certificate (Secondary School/Matric Certificate- 01 leaf

ii) Domicile certificate — 01 leaf

iii) M.B.B.S Degree certificate along with consolidated Marks Cards-upto 05 leaves

iv) PG Diploma/PG/DNB (BS) alongwith consolidated marks card (for non- clinical posts) Certificate, along with Registration certificate, from competent authority-upto 04 leaves.

v) DM/M.Ch/DNB (SS)certificate along with result Notification- upto 03 leaves (when applying for Lecturer in Super Specialty Hospital, Jammu/ Srinagar).

vi) Certificate to the effect that DNB in the relevant Super Specialty has been done from a 500 bedded institution/ hospital or one year Senior Residency or equivalent experience, on prescribed format, from an Institution/Hospital duly recognized by the Medical Council of India, now National Medical Commission, (where applicant is applying for the Super Specialty post on the basis of DNB).

vii) Verification Certificate from NBE for equivalence of DNB qualifications with MD/MS or DM/M.Ch as per MCI Notification No. Med.Misc dated 11.06.2012-01 leaf

viii) Two years experience certificate from the teaching institutions recognized by the Medical Council of India (now National Medical Commission), as per format (Except for the post of Lecturer in Super Specialty Hospital Jammu/Srinagar). 01 leaf

b) Documents (Mandatory) if claiming benefit under that category):-

i) Valid category certificate — 01 leaf

ii) For Physically Challenged Candidates Disability certificate on the prescribed format, if required — 01 leaf.

iii) In-Service Certificate Signed by HOD.

c) Any other document for which the candidate is claiming weightage as per Provisions laid down in J&K (Business and Procedure) Rules, 2021:-

i) Certificate of Distinction In Sports in terms of J&K (Appointment of Outstanding Sports Persons) Rules, 1998-01 Leaf

ii) “C” Certificate in NCC activities- 01 Leaf

iii) Gold Medal Certificate for overall first position in the minimum prescribed qualification- 01 leaf. In case the convocation for award of Gold Medal has not been convened, a certificate from the competent authority shall be uploaded to the affect that he/she is entitled to Gold Medal for securing overall first position in the prescribed qualification and that the Gold Medal shall be awarded in the Convocation of the University/institution.

iv) List of Research Papers/Publications as per format-01 leaf

v) List of Conferences (Participation & Presentation) as per format-01 leaf.

vi) List of Books as per format- 01 leaf.

vii) DM/M.Ch/DNB(Super Specialty)

Important Instructions:

i. Candidates are required to apply online through the website of the Commission i.e. http://www.jkpsc.nic.in. No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted.

ii. Candidates are first required to go to the JKPSC website http://www.jkpsc.nic.in and click on the link “One Time Registration” or click on Login menu if you have already created your profile with the JK PSC.

iii. After logging into your account, candidates are required to fill all the requisite fields of One Time Registration (OTR) i.e. personal information, contact information & educational qualification, service details etc.

iv. The candidate shall also be required to upload the image of date stamped recent passport size color photograph and signature. The photograph should not be taken earlier than 01.01.2021.

v. Size of the photograph (passport size) and signature must be between 10kB to 20kB in *.jpeg or *.jpg only.

vi. After successful submission of all the details in your OTR account, check the eligibility conditions as mentioned in the advertisement notification before applying for the post.

vii. Click on the “show examination” as shown against the respective post/examination you want to apply.

viii. On Clicking on the “show examination” a window will appear on your computer screen. Select the month of the advertisement notification for which you want to apply, a link(s) for the post(s) will appear on the computer screen.

ix. An “APPLY” button is shown against the respective post and the candidates will click on the APPLY button against the post he/she is eligible.

x. On clicking “APPLY” button, an instruction window will appear. Candidates should read instructions carefully before clicking on “APPLY” button at the bottom of the webpage.

xi, On clicking “APPLY” button, the system will display all facts/particulars that a candidate may have mentioned while filling up the necessary fields of his/her OTR account. Candidate shall fill up the remaining required fields in the application form and accept the declaration thereof.

xii. Once the candidate is satisfied about the correctness of the filled in details, then, he or she may click on “SUBMIT” button to finally push the data into server with successful submission report.

xiii. On successful submission of the basic details, the candidates will be required to pay the online fee and uploading of the documents, for final submission of the online application form.

xiv. Candidates can pay the requisite fee through online mode in the “SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS” menu in your account.

xv. After successful payment of the fee, the fee status will get reflected on the Online Application form. Candidates can check the fee status by clicking on the Print Application Button in the submitted Applications menu in your JKPSC account. In case the payment status shows either “not submitted or under processing or status has not been reflected on your submitted application form”, candidates(s) are advised to contact the JKPSC office at Solina Srinagar/Resham Ghar Colony Jammu immediately for clarification. Further where the online fee is paid through other service providers the candidate must ensure that not only the amount of fee is debited from his/service provider’s Account but also credited into the official account of JKPSC.

Full Job Notification Apply Here

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