wsi imageoptim Government recruitment 390x205 1 Agriculture Department Recruitment for Various Posts for District & Block Level, J&K

Agriculture Department Recruitment for Various Posts for District & Block Level, J&K

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement against the position of 01 No. of Dy. Project Director at District Level, 20 No. of ATM (Subject Matter Specialists) at block level in each block & 01 No. of Accountant-cum-Clerk at District Level of District for a period of one year under Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms” (ATMA Scheme) on Contractual basis. The engagement shall be initially for a period of one year or co-terminus with the withdrawal of scheme whichever is earlier.

Last date : 19th May 2018 up to 3.30 PM

The candidates should be a Permanent Resident of J&K

The candidates who belongs to District Baramulla can apply for engagement of the said contractual posts.

The candidates with experience of working in a Govt/ Semi Govt. organizations in relevant field shall be selected. Candidates  shall have to work on contractual basis and shall not claim any permanent employment on the said post.

The period of contact shall be for one year and can be extended depending upon the performance of the selected candidates and continuation of the scheme.

The position is temporary and non-transferable.

The employment is subject to availability of funds under the scheme.

The services of the selected candidates can be terminated within month notice in advance If work and conduct is not found satisfactory during the employment.

The contract shall deem to have been cancelled/terminated once the scheme is withdrawn by the Govt. of India or State Govt.

The contractual appointment of candidates shall cease to exist on attaining the age of 65 years in respect of already served Govt, employees. The selection committee shall have the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason. The selected candidates shall have to give an undertaking that he or she shall work in the district/block.

No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for appearing In the interview.


The application on the prescribed format available with Chief Agriculture Officer Baramulla duly filled in by the candidate along with the self attested photocopies of qualification/experience/character certificate should be submitted in the office of Chief Agriculture Officer Baramulla on any working day by or before 19th May 2018 up to 3.30 PM.


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