Kashmir University Logo 2 copy copy University of Kashmir Recruitment March 2018 for Various Posts

University of Kashmir Recruitment March 2018 for Various Posts

Applications on the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the University website at www.kashmiruniversity.net are invited for engagement of Academic Arrangement in the Institute of Music & Fine Arts for the academic year 2018, from the candidates having minimum

Masters Degree in the concerned subject with at least 55% of marks at PG level;

a) Instructor History of Art

b) Instructor Sculpture

c) Instructor Applied Art


Candidates in their own interest are advised to be in touch with the Principal of the Institute of Music and Fine Arts about the date, venue and time of the interview;

The salary of the appointees shall be determined on the basis of his/her qualification/s.

The Application Form complete in all respects and attached with relevant documents should be deposited in the offices of the concerned Institute of Music and Fine Arts, University Campus, Srinagar by or before 05.03.2018.

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