SMVD University invites applications for the post of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR purely on contractual / adhoc basis in the following Schools:
1. Languages & Literature [English],
2. Physics,
3. Mathematics and
4. Energy Management
General conditions:
i. Application Form should be accompanied with application fee in the form of a DD of `.500/- drawn in favour of
‘Registrar, SMVDU’, payable at Katra/Kakryal /Jammu. However, no application Fee is payable for Ph.D. qualified
ii. Detailed Advertisement along with Application Form is available on University’s website:
iii. The last date for receipt of applications complete in all respects is 30th April 2018.
Consolidated Emoluments:
Having Ph.D. : Rs 40,000/- p.m. only.
PG but Non-Ph.D.: Rs 30,000/- p.m. only.
Initial appointment shall be for a semester
Regulatory Bodies: The Faculty positions in the School of Energy Management shall be governed by AICTE
norms. The Faculty positions in School of Mathematics, Physics and Languages & Literature [English] shall
be governed by UGC norms.
[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]
[button color=”gray” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Apply[/button]