State Bank I 1 SBI Recruitment 2018 Online Apply 119 Vacancies SBI Recruitment 2018

SBI Recruitment 2018 Online Apply 119 Vacancies SBI Recruitment 2018

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Officer in Across India – State Bank of India Recruitment 2018

State Bank of India invites application for the position Officer etc. Read details, eligibility criteria mentioned below for the vacancy and eligible candidates can submit their application directly to State Bank of India before 2018-04-07

SBI Recruitment 2018 Details
Job Role Specialist Cadre Officer
Education Requirement CA, ICWA, MBA/PGDM, LLB
Total Vacancy 119 Posts
Salary Range Rs. 31,705 – Rs. 74,520/- Per Month
Job Location Across India
Age Limit 35 – 52 years
Experience 4 – 17 years
Application Fee Application fees and Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) is ` 600/- ( ` Six Hundred only) for General and OBC candidates and `100/- (`One hundred only) for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates
Last Date To Apply 2018-04-07

Qualification in Details:

Post, No of Vacancy, Pay, Educational Qualification, Post Qualification Experience (As on 31.12.2017):

a. Special Management Executive -35 – 42020-1310/5-48570-1460/2-51490, – CA/ ICWA/ ACS/ MBAin Finance or 2 years PG Diploma in Finance (? The course should be of 2 years full time duration. ?Course completed through correspondence/ part-time are not eligible. The institute should be recognized/ approved by Government bodies/ AICTE) – Minimum 5 years post qualification experience (as on 31.12.2017) as an Executive in Supervisory/ Management role : a. In a Scheduled Commercial Bank/ Associate or Subsidiary of a Scheduled Commercial Bank. OR b. In a Public Sector or listed Financial Institution/ Company. Candidates having experience in processing of credit proposals are preferred.

b. Deputy General Manager (Law) -01 – CTC upto `47.00 lacs. The compensation package (CTC) would comprise of fixed and variable components but not a limiting factor for a suitable candidate.- Degree in Law (3 years/ 5 years) from a recognised University India – Enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council and having minimum 17 years of experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks OR Financial Institutions OR Asset Reconstruction Company OR combined experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Bank and Asset Reconstruction Company and having extensive experience in Recovery & Rehabilitation. The experience should be after enrolment as advocate with Bar Council.

c. Deputy General Manager (Law) -01  – 68680-1960/4-74520  – Degree in Law (3 years/ 5 years) from a recognised University India. Post Graduate degree in Law will be preferable. – Enrolled as Advocate with Bar Council and having minimum 17 years of experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks OR Financial Institutions OR Asset Reconstruction Company OR combined experience as Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Bank and Asset Reconstruction Company and having extensive experience in Recovery & Rehabilitation. The experience should be after enrolment as advocate with Bar Council.

d. Deputy Manager (Law) -82 – 31705-1145/1-32850-1310/10-45950 – Degree in Law (3 years/ 5 years) from a recognised University India. – Enrolled as Advocates with Bar Council and having 4 years of experience as practicing Advocate OR Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks OR 4 years combined experience as practicing advocate and Law Officer in the Legal Department of Scheduled Commercial Banks. The experience should be after enrolment as advocate with Bar Council.

Job Profile:

a. Special Management Executive (Regular): Perform account reviews with the Top Management and assist in taking decision with respect to resolution/ recovery and what mode of resolution/ recovery should be initiated. Advise branches in business verticals about observed shortcomings in the proposals due to which there was slippage in the asset quality.  Guide branches for implementation of resolution plan.  To keep abreast of latest developments in the respective sector through comprehensive industry analysis and research with the overall purpose of enhancing the quality of resolution.  Resolution/ Rehabilitation of credit facilities including rectification and restructuring by keeping DGM (ARC), DGM (NCLT), DGM (OTS), DGM (SARG – Retail) and DGM (SARG – Commercial) in the loop wherever necessary. Contribution towards reduction in budgeted provisioning.  Support for resolution of accounts through NCLT. Checking the viability of resolution plans. Monitoring of accounts in SMAcategory and devising strategies for their up-gradation, if required.  Any other work/ responsibility that may be assigned, from time to time, by the Bank.

b. Deputy General Manager (Law) (Contractual): Analysing, drawing and negotiating various kinds of agreements including Resolution Agreements/ Sale Agreements for Financial Assets/ Inter-Creditor agreements etc.  Drawing of Loan Restructure Documents/ Master Debt Recast and Restructuring Agreement etc.  Offering opinion on restructuring of Corporate/ Infrastructure projects under prevalent legal provisions. Expertise in understanding and analyzing Sector Specific Concession Agreement with various Authorities and the impact/ repercussions thereof. Familiarity with Insolvency Laws, Debt Recovery laws, SARFAESI Act and current trends, updates and issues in the field.

c. Deputy General Manager (Law) (Regular):  Providing analytical and comprehensive in-house legal service across a broad range of legal issues (including those involving the affiliates of organization) Keeping oneself updated and also, wherever necessary, briefing the top management of the organization about the latest legal developments ? Disseminating knowledge on relevant legal issues and developments to the operational functionaries and, if required, suggesting/ initiating necessary changes in the policy, procedure or functioning of the organization  Offering opinion on various legal issues including those related to recovery, restructuring, resolution etc.

d .Deputy Manager (Law) (Regular): Scrutiny of property documents to ascertain devolution of title. Conducting search of records at Registrar Office, Court and related offices as well as conducting online ROC searches. Obtaining Certificate of Encumbrances from relevant offices.  Verification/ Vetting of documents in connection with Title Verification.  Ensuring availability / compliance of legal/ statutory clearances/ dues.

General Instructions

1. Before applying for a post, the applicant should ensure that he/ she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above for that post as on the specified date and that the particulars furnished by him/ her are correct in all respects.The applicant should ensure that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and is properly and completely filled.Appointment of selected candidate is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the Bank for such post in the Bank, in force at the time of joining the Bank

2. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online well before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection / inability/ failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam. SBI does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of SBI.

3. Where interview without any written test is the mode of recruitment, merely satisfying the eligibility norms does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Bank reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidates for the interview after preliminary screening/ short-listing with reference to candidate’s qualification, suitability, experience etc.

Details of Document to be uploaded :
i. Brief Resume (DOC or DOCX)
ii. ID Proof (PDF)
iii. Proof of Date of Birth (PDF)
iv. Educational Certificates: Relevant Mark-Sheets/ Degree Certificate (PDF)
v. Experience certificates (PDF)
vi. e-Receipt for fee payment
vii. PWD Certificate (PDF)
viii. Form-16 as on 31.03.2017 (PDF)
ix. Recent Photograph
x. Signature

Selection Procedure

Other Post – Shortlisting and Interview, Deputy Manager (Law)- Written test & Interview.

Apply Procedure

1. Candidates will be required to register themselves online through the link available on SBI website OR and pay the application fee using Internet Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card etc. Candidates should first scan their latest photograph and signature. Online application will not be registered unless candidate uploads his/her photo and signature as specified on the online registration page (under ‘How to Apply”). Once the application is filled completely, candidate should submit the same and proceed for online payment of fee

2. Candidates should fill the application carefully. Once application is filled-in completely, candidate should submit the same. In the event of candidate not being able to fill the application in one go, he can save the information already entered. When the information/ application is saved, a provisional registration number and password is generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the registration number and password. They can re-open the saved application using registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed. This facility of editing the saved information will be available for three times only.

3. Application Fee once paid will NOT be refunded on any account NOR can it be adjusted for any other examination or selection in future

Important Dates


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