skuast Jobs at SKUAST Kashmir | Last Date 03 February 2018

Jobs at SKUAST Kashmir | Last Date 03 February 2018


Applications on plain paper are invited from eligible candidates for the positions mentioned below under DST, Govt. of India funded project “Biomass carbon distribution of major forest types in the northern region of Kashmir Himalayas using field inventory, remote sensing and GIS”. The application complete in all respects including contact no., e-mail ID and an affixed recent passport size photograph should reach to the Principal Investigator’s Office within 07 days from the date of its publication in newspaper/website. The date and time of interview for the said positions shall be communicated through mail to all the eligible candidates.

Screen Shot 2018 01 30 at 7.13.14 PM Jobs at SKUAST Kashmir | Last Date 03 February 2018

The engagement of project staff shall be ruled by the following terms and conditions:

  1. 1)  The appointment shall be contractual and co-terminus with the project.
  2. 2)  The appointment shall be governed by terms and conditions of the project funding agency (DST,

    Govt. of India).

  3. 3)  No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the interview.

Last Date: 03-02-2018

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=” fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]

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