Sehkari Bhawan Panama Chowk, Jammu.
Subject:-Advertisement of various posts of various Departments.

JKSSB Recruitment
2. The detailed Notification of advertisement along with link for online application will be activated on 17-11-2017 on SSB’s new Application The last date for submission of online application would be 11.12.2017.
3. It is again reiterated that advertisements will be notified and online application will be accepted at only.
4. It is further amplified that in respect of District Cadre posts only those candidates who are residents of the concerned District as defined under the relevant Act/Rules can apply. However, candidates belonging to SC category are eligible to apply for the said reserved vacancies irrespective of the district of residence in the concerned District.
5. Candidates who are eligible to apply for more than one advertisement are required to apply separately for each post.
The necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications are given herein below:-
i. Candidates are required to apply online through JKSSB’s online Application Portal No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.
ii. Applicants are first required to go to the said Portal and register themselves by clicking on “New User? Register here” link (if not already created).
iii. Candidates are required to have a valid Email ID and Mobile Number for registering and creating login credentials.
iv. After creating login credential, candidates need to login with these credentials and are required to fill their complete information by clicking on Profile Creation Link. This is one time profile which candidate needs to fill and it will be useful to candidate for all subsequent advertisements of JKSSB. Candidate can update this information any number of times, except for certain mandatory fields (Salutation, full name (1.3), full name (1.4), full name of Father/Husband, Mother’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Email Id and Permanent Address)
v. Candidate should carefully fill all the information asked in Profile and SAVE it.
vi. The candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph and signature.
• Size of the photograph (passport size)(Max size–50 KB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 Cms.).
• Size of the signature (Max size–50 KB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 Cms.).
• Size of the Thumb Impression (Max size–50 KB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 Cms.).
vii. After login with credentials, candidate can see active advertisements under Online Application Link.
viii. Click Here to apply link is available next to active advertisements after login.
ix. Candidate need to click on Click Here to apply link to apply for the advertisement.
x. On clicking on Click Here to apply link, system checks candidate’s eligibility with respect to eligibility criteria required for the advertisement. If candidate does not fulfill eligibility, appropriate message of ineligibility is displayed by system.
xi. Only the Application of candidate fulfilling eligibility conditions will be accepted by system.
xii. Candidates cannot edit their Application after submission. However, candidate can cancel his application if wrongly filled, but the fee of such cancelled application will not be remitted. Candidate can then apply afresh and he/she will have to pay the fee again.
xiii. Candidate’s Application will not be considered if fee is not paid for that application.
xiv. Fees decided by JKSSB can be paid by following means:
1. Net banking/Debit Card/Credit Card (under Online Option) 2.CSC Connect (if application is submitted at CSC) 3. Challan at J&K Bank branches
xv. Candidates are required to follow below mentioned procedure to pay the fees:-
• After login, My Account link is visible at the left side of page. Click on My Account link.
• Candidate will be able to see applications submitted by him/her to various advertisements with fees payment status. Applications for which fees payment status is ‘Unpaid’, ‘Pay Now’ link will be available there. It must be noted and understood that only those applications for which fee status is PAID are considered successfully submitted applications. If candidate has filled the form and not paid the fee till last date or not generated Challan on last date (and deposited fee on next working day after last date), his/her application form is not considered as successfully submitted form.
• Three options will be available after clicking on Pay Now link.
1. Online Payment 2.Pay at CSC Connect (for CSC operators). While using this option, additional charges over and above the prescribed fees shall also be taken for end to end application submission process.) 3. Pay by Challan at J&K Bank.
• Candidate can pay using Net banking, Debit Card and Credit Card in Online Payment. Pay at CSC Connect option is for CSC operators. CSC operator can pay fees using his wallet for online applications submitted by him/her on behalf of candidates at CSC .While using this option, additional charges over and above the prescribed fees shall also be taken for end to end application submission process. Fee needs to be paid before last date of online application submission. If Challan at J&K bank Option is taken, then the applicant is required to go to the bank one day after
the generation of the Challan. Those who generate Challan on the last date will be permitted to deposit the fee a day after the last date.
• Payment will not be accepted and will not be considered valid after cut-off date mentioned in advertisement notification, except in case of Challan option exercised/generated on 11/12/2017.
xvi. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application / fee payment receipt to JKSSB till it is actually sought for some verification/clarification purpose.
xvii. Please note that above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
xviii. The application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for subsequent stage of Selection as per the notified Criteria. Candidate can take printout of application submitted and fee payment receipt from My Account link available in software. Application printout can be taken by selecting Application ID/No and clicking on View Button. Similarly receipt printout can be taken by selecting Application ID/No and clicking on Receipt button available.
[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”pdf” target=”true”]Click here for Full Job Notification[/button][button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”true”]Click here to apply[/button]