Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has issued syllabus for various posts for which examination is going to be held in recent future. Click on the relevant posts to view the syllabus:
Subject- Syllabus and Criteria for CBT dated 27th Feb, 2018.
- The syllabi for various items for which CBT (Computer based Written exam) is scheduled on 27th Feb, 2018 is enclosed herewith.
- The candidates are also being intimated that there shall be negative marking for wrong answers (0.25 for each wrong answer) attempted in the said examination. There will be no viva for all these items.
- The Syllabi and Criteria for other items scheduled on 27th Feb, 2018 (refer recruitment calendar on JKSSB website), have already been declared by the JKSSB.
- Syllabus for the post of Drawing Instructor (120 Marks / 120 Minutes)
- Syllabus for the post of Leather Technician (120 Marks / 120 Minutes)
- Syllabus for the post of Assistant Scientific Officer (Lie detector) (120 Marks / 120 Minutes)