Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board
Advertisement No.01 of 2021.
Subject: Advertisement for District/Divisional/UT cadre posts of various Departments under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir
Civil Services- Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 and rules made thereunder read with other relevant rules governing the subject.
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Reference:-Requisition of Posts/Vacancies received from various Indenting Departments as per the details given below :
S.No. | Department | No. of posts | Indent No. |
1. | Jal Shakti | 465 | JSD/NG/41/ 2020 Dated 05-10- 2020 read with JSD/NG/41/ 2020 Dated 30-12- 2020 |
2. | Horticulture | 345 | Horti/56/2017 dated 15.10.2020 read with Horti/56/2017 dated 14.01.2021 |
3. | Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs | 41 | LD(SL) 2015/ 14-Adv.Gen. Dated 01- 12-2020 read withLD(SL) 2015/ 14-Adv.Gen Dated :01-01-2021 |
4. | Hospitality and Protocol Department | 02 | HP/Estt/07/2014 dated: 08-01- 2021 |
5. I | Information | 74 | D/Estt/09/2020 Dated 20.10.2020 read with D/Estt/ 09/2020 Dated 07-01-2021 |
Total | 927 |
a) Date of Commencement for submission of online applications=24-02-2021.
Last Date for submission of online applications =24-03-2021.
Annexure “A ” = Name of the Post, cadre, Pay Level, Category wise break up of posts, Qualification and Criteria for selection
Annexure ‘”B”=Certificate regarding physical limitation.
Annexure “C”=letter of undertaking for using own Scribble
Total Number of Posts Advertised = 927
Full Details are Coming Soon.