jammu and kashmir govt HUDD AEIRO J&K Housing & Urban Development Department JKHUDD Recruitment 2018

J&K Housing & Urban Development Department JKHUDD Recruitment 2018

The Housing & Urban Development Department, Govt, of Jammu & Kashmir is a State Nodal Agency for implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission in the urban areas of the State. For this purpose, the Department has established a Project Implementation Unit which is providing technical support to State Implementing Agencies.

In the recent past Financial expert who was working in PIU has resigned and the post has fallen vacant. In order to fill the post of Financial Expert,applications are invited from the permanent residents of J&K State for the engagement of the Financial Expert on contractual basis as detailed hereunder:-

Post Name : Financial Expert (SBM)

The terms and conditions are as under:-

The position are of contractual nature initially for one year, renewal of which shall be considered subject to continuation of scheme. No candidate shall have any right to continue on the said position whatsoever the circumstance may be.

The candidates are required to submit application on prescribed form,alongwith requisite documents and experience certificates of relevant field.

Applications duly filled in shall be deposited either in person or by Regd. Post in the office of Joint Director (P&S) Housing & Urban Dev. Department, Civil Secretariat, Srinagar ( Room No. G/16) alongwith the Bank Draft amounting to Rs.500/- in favour of Mission Director, Swachh Bharat Mission, J&K by or before 10th of July 2018.

[button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”http://jkhudd.gov.in/pdfs/Advertisement.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]


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