Ministry of Consumer Affairs Food Public Distribution Recruitment 2016 Senior Instrument Engineer copy Fresh Jobs in Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Recruitment

Fresh Jobs in Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Recruitment

Application as per the devised format are invited for eligible Candidates of District Kishtwar who are permanent residents of District Kishtwar for hiring of their services for the period of three (3) months at AD Office Kishtwar and TSO offices in District Kishtwar which cannot been extended under any circumstances in Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, District Kishtwar for “Implementation of End to End computerisation of EPDS operations” as per the criteria given below

District : Kishtwar

Total  Posts : 03 (Three)


Period of Hiring 03 months

Salary : Rs. 10,000/-

Eligibility : 10+2 with one year or more diploma or Degree in Computer Applications with typing speed of 30 w.p.m

Last date : Last Date for submission of Application Forms is 13th of July 2018.

How to apply : The forms shall be received at the Office of the Assistant Director FCS&CA Kishtwar upto 13th of July 2018 through speed post/registered post only. No application shall be entertained after the due date.

The criteria for the hiring of the Technical Manpower is given below :

Candidate must be a permanent resident of Jammu and Kashmir State.

Candidate applying for the Hiring must be resident of District Kishtwar.

Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age as 01-06-2018.

The eligible candidates shall be hired for a period of Three months purely on need basis and the period of hiring shall in no case be extended beyond Three months, further deputation of these candidates shall be made by Assistant Director, FCS&CA Kishtwar in any Tehsil of District Kishtwar as per the requirement of deployment of the selected candidates is needed.

The monthly hiring charges (remuneration) to be paid shall be Rs. 10000/- (Ten Thousands) only.

The applicant should submit their Application Forms along with all relevant documents (self-attested) viz.

(1. PRC 2. DOB Certificate 3. 10th marks Certificate 4. 12th marks certificate 5. Diploma /Degree in Computers application 5. Affidavit form 1″ class Magistrate the candidate will not claim for extension beyond the period of hiring of 3 months or regularization.

No TA/DA will be given to the applicant.

The candidate no hired can be disengaged without assigning any reason by AD FCS&CA Kishtwar.

The selection of candidates hiring of Manpower will be made on the following basis.

1. 60 points shall be for marks obtained in 12th class on pro-rata basis.

2. No weightage/preference will be given for higher qualification while framing merit lists.

3. 20 points shall be granted for having 1 year or more diploma in computer Science or Degree in Computer Science and same however shall be on pro-rata basis.

4. 20 Points for Typing test having speed not less than 30 words per minutes. The points shall be allotted on pro-rata basis.

5. No interview/viva voice will be considered.

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