sher e kashmir university agricultural sciences technology 1 35 posts at SKUAST Srinagar. Salary upto 20,200.

35 posts at SKUAST Srinagar. Salary upto 20,200.

No: AU/Adm/(GAD)/Adv-NT/2017/2127-2227

Stenographer /Accounts Assistant/Electrician/Plumber recruitment in Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology

Stenographer24 (Open Merit -14 ,RBA – 05 SC -02, ST – 02, Actual Line of Control-01)

Qualification: i. Graduate ii. Shorthand speed of 50 words and typing speed of 35 words per minute iii. Having Six Months Certificate Course in Computer Application from a recognized Institute. Note: Type test shall be conducted on computer keyboard only.

Pay Band :Rs. 5200-20200

Accounts Assistant / 07 Posts (Open Merit – 04, RBA – 01, SC – 01, ST – 01)

Qualification: i) Graduate ii) Preference will be given to those having experience in any recognized organization.

Note: Candidates selected for the post of Accounts Assistant shall have to undergo a training course for a period of one year (comprising theoretical training for six months and practical training for six months) during which they shall be paid a stipend of 3500/- P.M.

Pay Band :Rs. 5200- 20200

Electrician / Open Merit – 01/ ST – 01

Qualification:  i) Matric ii) ITI Diploma in the trade

Pay Scale : Rs. 5,200-20,200

Plumber/ 01 Open, Merit-01

Qualification: i. Matric ii. ITI Diploma in the trade

Pay Band : Rs.5200- 20200

Carpenter / 01 Open ,Merit-01

Qualification: i. Matric ii. ITI Diploma in the trade

Pay Band:Rs. 5200- 20200

Age as on 01-01-2017 General Category : 18 -40 years

Hiring Process : Written-test

Job Role : Accountant

How to apply

Last date for receipt of Application Forms May 23, 2017 (upto 5.00 p.m).

The applications on prescribed format, complete in all respects should reach the office of Registrar, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar-190025 by the stipulated date duly accompanied with a Bank Draft for Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) non-refundable pledged to Comptroller, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar-190025, Srinagar payable at J&K Bank Ltd. Shalimar, Branch, SKUAST-K, Srinagar.

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