Iust Various Posts at IUST. Salary 144200 - 218200 pm

Various Posts at IUST. Salary 144200 – 218200 pm

IUST Recruitment 2020 Details
 Job Role Registrar
Education Requirement Any Masters Degree
Total Vacancy 1 Post
Job Locations Pulwama
Age Limit preferably below 57 years
Experience 15 – 18 years
Salary 144200 – 218200(Per Month)
Posted on 25-06-2020
Last Date To Apply 23-07-2020

Qualification in Details:

Online Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Registrar.

1. Name of the post (s): Registrar – 01

2. Salary: (Level – 14 (144200-218200))

3. Eligibility: (i) Masters Degree with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system ids followed.

(ii) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant professor in the Academic Level 11 and above or with 8 years of service in the Academic Level 12 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration. Or

iii. Comparable experience in research establishment and/ or other institutions of higher education. OR 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post

Age Limit:

preferably below 57 years

Application Fees:

The non – refundable processing fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) shall have to be deposited through online mode by debit card/ credit card/ net bankingQualification in Details:

Online Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Registrar.

1. Name of the post (s): Registrar – 01

2. Salary: (Level – 14 (144200-218200))

3. Eligibility: (i) Masters Degree with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system ids followed.

(ii) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant professor in the Academic Level 11 and above or with 8 years of service in the Academic Level 12 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration. Or

iii. Comparable experience in research establishment and/ or other institutions of higher education. OR 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post

Age Limit:

preferably below 57 years

Application Fees:

The non – refundable processing fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) shall have to be deposited through online mode by debit card/ credit card/ net banking

Important Dates:

1. Date of availability of online application : 24 – 06 – 2020

2. Last date of submission of online application : 23 – 07 – 2020

3. Last date of submission of hardcopies of the application : 24 – 07 – 2020

General Terms & Conditions:

1. Candidates who are desirous to be considered for appointment on deputation basis may also apply.

2. The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the UGC Guidelines / University Statutes with amendments from time to time.

3. The in service candidates should forward their application forms through their employer.

4. Hard copy of application form complete in all respects duly supported by attested copies of all relevant documents, certificates and testimonials is mandatory to be submitted in the office of Registrar by or before the last date of submission of hardcopies of the application forms, failing which the online application form submitted by the candidates shall not be considered. Applications received after the expiry of the due date will not be entertained.

5. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience etc. at the time of appearing in the interview.

6. The University reserves the right to defer / not to filling up of any or all posts advertised here-in above, without assigning any reason thereof.

7. The University reserves the right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for interview.

8. Candidates not fulfilling the requirements prescribed here-in-above as on the last date prescribed for submission of online application form need not to apply.

9. Experience if any shall be counted as on the date of the issue of the Notification and the experience shall mean post qualification experience only.

10. The University reservesthe right to alter/insert any corrections/additionsin the advertisement/website in the event of any typographical error etc. before the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications, for which the candidates are advised to remain in touch with the official website: www.islamicuniversity.edu.in


Islamic University Of Science & Technology, Awantipora, Kashmir

Selection Procedure

Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

Apply Procedure

1. Last date of submission of online application : 23 – 07 – 2020

2. Eligible candidates will be informed about the date and place of interview through University website / e-mail/ whichever suitable. However, University does not take any responsibility for non receipt or delayed receipt of the intimation by a candidate.

3. All relevant information /updates shall be uploaded on University website www.islamicuniversity.edu.in. The Candidates are advised to remain in touch with University website and notifying the same in newspapers shall not be obligatory on University part.

4. Candidates are required to apply online through University website www.islamicuniversity.edu.in. The non – refundable processing fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) shall have to be deposited through online mode by debit card/ credit card/ net banking.

IUST Recruitment 2020 for Professor Notification in Pulwama

IUST Recruitment 2020 Details
 Job Role Professor
Education Requirement M.Phil/Ph.D
Total Vacancy 2 Posts
Job Locations Pulwama
Age Limit Age: preferably be not more than 57 years as on date of notification.
Experience 10 – 15 years
Salary 144200 – 218200(Per Month)
Posted on 25-06-2020
Last Date To Apply 23-07-2020

Qualification in Details:

Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST), Awantipora, Kashmir invites online applications from the eligible candidates for the following posts:

1. Posts: Professor (Level – 14 (144200-218200)}

2. No.of. Posts: 01

3. Department/ Centre : Watson-Crick Centre for Molecular Medicine

4. Eligibility :- A. i) An eminent scholar with Ph.D. degree in the Molecular Medicine or its allied fields like Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/ Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the UGC CARE list and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2 of UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universalities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education , 2018 dated: 18th July, 2018 with amendments from time to time. ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate. OR B. An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the Molecular Medicine or its allied fields like Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/ Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Microbiology (not included in A above) / industry with established reputation in the area of Molecular Medicine and translational research of communicable and non-communicable diseases, Genetic disorders, who has made significant contributions to the knowledge in the concerned discipline, supported by documentary evidence, provided he/ she has ten years experience.

1. Professor {Level – 14 (144200-218200)}

2. No.of. Posts: 01

3. Department/ Centre: Mantaqi Centre for Science and Society

4. Eligibility :- A. i) An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the Disaster Management or allied fields like Structural Engineering/Geology/Geophysics and published research work of high quality on natural disasters, sustainable development and environmental concerns, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the UGC CARE list and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2 of UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universalities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education , 2018 dated: 18th July, 2018 with amendments from time to time. ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate. OR B. An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the Disaster Management or allied fields like Structural Engineering/Geology/Geophysics from any academic institutions (not included in A above) / industry, with established reputation in the Natural Disasters and their management, sustainable development and environment, who has made significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence, provided he/ she has ten years experience.

Age Limit:

Age: preferably be not more than 57 years as on date of notification.

Application Fees:

Candidates are required to apply online through University website www.islamicuniversity.edu.in. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. The non – refundable fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) shall have to be deposited as application fee through online mode by debit card/ credit card/ net banking.

Important Dates:

1. Date of availability of online application: 24 – 06 – 2020

2. Last date of submission of online application: 23 – 07 – 2020.

3. Last date of submission of hard copies of the application: 24 – 07 – 2020

General Terms And Conditions/ Instructions:

1. Candidates who are desirous to be considered for appointment on deputation basis may also apply.

2. The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the University Statutes with amendments from time to time.

3. Candidates must enter the relevant API score in the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) Proforma. Each API score must be supported by the documentary evidence, without which no claim on account of API Score will be entertained. It is mandatory that the candidate mark Page No./s on all the supporting documents as in the Application Form. The details with regard to ISSN/ISBN, sole author/Coauthors/Joint publication, refereed/nonrefereed/ indexed/ non-indexed and local/ national/ international status/ impact factor etc. must also be reflected in the publication part of PBAS proforma supported by documentary evidence. In case the candidate remains silent on any information, it shall be deemed that he / she does not want to claim it.

4. The time taken by candidatesto acquire M.Phil and /or Ph.D degree shall not be considered asteaching / research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching positions. Further the period of active service spent on pursuing Research Degree simultaneously with teaching assignment without taking any kind of leave, shall be counted as teaching experience for the purpose of direct recruitment. The certificate to this effect issued by the Registrar of the Concerned University shall have to be attached by the candidate to claim for such experience.

5. Candidates who have been awarded post graduate/Ph.D degree from Foreign University should enclose Equivalence Certificate” issued by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi without which their candidature will not be considered and application form will be rejected.

6. Candidates are required to apply online through University website www.islamicuniversity.edu.in. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. The non – refundable fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) shall have to be deposited as application fee through online mode by debit card/ credit card/ net banking.

7. The candidates in employment (Govt. or Semi Govt. ) on substantive position or otherwise should forward their applications through their employer.

8. Hard copy of application form complete in all respects duly supported by attested copies of all relevant documents, certificates and testimonials is mandatory to be submitted in the office of Registrar by or before the last date of submission of hardcopies of the application forms, failing which the online application form submitted by the candidates shall not be considered. Applications received after the expiry of the due date will not be entertained.

9. Candidates (in addition to all publications) shall separately enclose & rate their best 10 best publications (full paper), for evaluation and consideration by the Selection Committee.

10. Eligible candidates will be informed about the date and place of interview through University website / e-mail/ whichever suitable. However, University does not take any responsibility for non receipt or delayed receipt of the intimation by a candidate.

11. All relevant information /updates shall be uploaded on University website www.islamicuniversity.edu.in. The Candidates are advised to remain in touch with University website and notifying the same in newspapers shall not be obligatory on University part.

12. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience etc. at the time of appearing in the interview.

13. The University reserves the right to defer / not to filling up of any or all posts advertised here-in above, without assigning any reason thereof.

14. The University reserves the right to increase/ decrease the number of posts advertised here-in-above.

15. The University reserves the right to place reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for interview for any post.

16. Candidates not fulfilling the requirements prescribed here-in-above as on the last date prescribed forsubmission of online application form need not to apply.

17. Experience if any shall be counted as on the date of the issue of the Notification.

18. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time of the appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidate are fake or the candidate has undesirable/ clandestine antecedents and has suppressed any information, then his/her service shall be terminated.

19. Candidates who had applied earlier and sent their bio-data/academic vitae to the Vice-Chancellor or any other authority of the University must apply afresh online by following the prescribed procedure.

20. The University reservesthe right to alter/insert any corrections/additionsin the advertisement/website in the event of any typographical error etc. before the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications, for which the


Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora, Kashmir

Selection Procedure

The process of selection may be by a presentation / lecture / interview or a combination thereof.No TA/DA shall be paid to candidates for appearing in the interview

Apply Procedure

Candidates who had applied earlier and sent their bio-data/academic vitae to the Vice-Chancellor or any other authority of the University must apply afresh online by following the prescribed procedure. Hard copy of application form complete in all respects duly supported by attested copies of all relevant documents, certificates and testimonials is mandatory to be submitted in the office of Registrar by or before the last date of submission of hardcopies of the application forms, failing which the online application form submitted by the candidates shall not be considered. Applications received after the expiry of the due date will not be entertained.  Candidates (in addition to all publications) shall separately enclose & rate their best 10 best publications (full paper), for evaluation and consideration by the Selection Committee. Last date of submission of online application: 23 – 07 – 2020.

[button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”http://iustlive.com/Notifications/Jobs/200623190009.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”http://iustlive.com/Notifications/Jobs/200623190009.pdf” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Apply[/button]

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