Ku Logo Big 2 University of Kashmir Recruitment July 2017 | Last Date 20/07/2017

University of Kashmir Recruitment July 2017 | Last Date 20/07/2017

Kashmir University recruitment 2017 proposes to Conduct Interview for Contractual Lecturer post. It is not required to apply Offline for participating in the interview. Interview will be held on 20/07/2017 at 11:00 A.M. Eligible candidates can attend interview at Kashmir University on 20/07/2017. Interested candidates attend interview can check out various information like eligibility criteria, salary, Total vacancy, Selection Procedure, Job description, Interview date, Interview procedure and other key information required for the post below. Kindly go through all the below details before attending the Interview.

Vacancy Name Contractual Lecturer
Qualification M.Sc, MCA, B.E/B.Tech, M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.d
Vacancies 03 Posts
Salary Not Mentioned
Job Location Srinagar
Age Limit Not Mentioned
Walk-In Date

Qualification: For M.Sc. IT: M.Sc. IT with NET/SET/Ph.D or MCA with NET/SET/Ph.D or B.E/B.Tech (CSE/IT) with M.E/M.Tech (CSE/IT)or  M.E/ M.Tech (CSE/IT) (without undergraduate Engineering degree) and with one year teaching experience at PG level.

For MCA: MCA with NET/SET/Ph.D or II) B.E/B.Tech (CSE/IT) with M.E/M.Tech (CSE/IT)or III) M.E/ M.Tech (CSE/IT) (without undergraduate Engineering degree) and with one year teaching experience at PG level.

For Electronics & IT: NET/SET/Ph.D in Electronics. II) Ph.D in Electronics/ Electronic Engineering or M.Tech in Electronics or equivalent.

Department And Date/Time of Interview :  

  • MCA – 19th July 2017 10:30 A.M to 11:30 A.M
  • M.Sc. IT – 19th July 2017 01:00 P.M to 02:00 P.M
  • Electronics & IT  – 20th July 2017 10:30 A.M to 11:30 A:M

Selection Procedure:

  • Walk-in interview will be held on 20/07/2017
  • Selection will be based either Written Test/ Personnel Interview by the Kashmir University norms or decision .

Walk-In Procedure?

  • The eligible candidates are advised to fill up the Application Form appended with this Notice and bring the same with them alongwith the original qualification/ degree certificates and testimonials etc. at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview.

Walk-In Address: Office of the Dean School of Applied Sciences & Technology
Walk-In Time: 10.30 A.M to 11.30 A.M

Walk-In Date:

Walk-In Date: 20/07/2017