JKSSB Recruitment logo 1 1 1 Syllabus for the Post of Jr. Scale Stenographer / Junior Assistant | JKSSB

Syllabus for the Post of Jr. Scale Stenographer / Junior Assistant | JKSSB

Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Services Selection Board
Sehkari Bhawan Rail Head Complex, Jammu

  1. It is for the information of all the candidates who have applied for the posts advertised vide Advertisement Notification No 05 of 2017, that the items /syllabi are as such being annexed herewith.
  2. The candidates are also intimated that there shall be negative marking for wrong answers (-0.25 for each wrong answer) attempted in the said examination.
  3. This advance notice is for the purpose of intimation to the concerned candidates only.

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Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board
Post: Jr. Scale Stenographer / Junior Assistant
Multiple Choice Based Written test
Reference Guidelines and Syllabus
40 Marks/40 Minutes

A) English/General Awareness: 20 Marks

The English paper will check the context dependent comprehension.
This will be done using comprehension passages and will focus on the following;

  • Grammar : Grammatical knowledge will be tested with focus on Articles, Verbs, Tenses, repositions, Voice, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Punctuation etc. (10 marks)
  • Factual : Passage will be about the local history, art and popular culture; aspirants will be tested on factual understanding of events, dates, people, idioms and phrases, etc. (5 marks)
  • Job Related (Context) : Candidates will be tested on types of communication; formal and non-formal, verbal and non-verbal, proof reading, interpreting guidelines, circulars, data and other work related issues etc. (5 marks)

B) Numerical and Reasoning Ability 10 Marks

The candidates will be tested primarily on the fundamental mathematical concepts and application oriented reasoning. The broad areas will include the following;

  • Basic Arithmetic ;Number System, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Time & Work etc
  • Reasoning ; Number & Letter Series, Coding-Decoding, Analogy etc

C) Basic Concepts of Computers 10 Marks

The candidates’ understanding of the concepts of computers and its application will be tested and it will broadly cover the following;

  • Computer terminology
  • Hardware and Software
  • Storage and Operating systems
  • Safety and Security
  • E-mail and Internet Usage

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