SKUAST Kashmir SKUAST SRF Jobs in Srinagar | Last Date 5 July, 2017

SKUAST SRF Jobs in Srinagar | Last Date 5 July, 2017

SRF Horticulture recruitment in Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology

Project Title : ”Marker Assisted Selection For Breeding Scab Resistant and High Quality Apples”

No. of Post : 01

Qualification : M.Sc in Horticulture/ Agriculture/Plant Bio-Technology with two years of research experience 1. Ph.D 2. NET 3. Experience with DNA molecular marker procedures

Emoluments : Rs. 28,000 + HRA

Hiring Process : Written-test

Job Role : Research/JRF/SRF

How to apply

Candidates should submit their applications along with relevant certificates and photograph to the Principal Investigator by or before, 5th of July, 2017 during the office hours. The interview date shall be intimated to candidates through their contact number mentioned in application. The contractual appointment is co-terminus with the expiry of the project.

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