skims SKIMS Mega Recruitment | 94 Vacancies for for Graduation, Diploma, B.Sc, 12TH, 10TH

SKIMS Mega Recruitment | 94 Vacancies for for Graduation, Diploma, B.Sc, 12TH, 10TH

Sher i Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences SKIMS recruitment 2017 proposes to receive the application from applicants in Online Mode. Eligible candidates can submit their application to Sher i Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences SKIMS before 24/7/2017. All those aspiring to apply can check out various information like eligibility criteria, salary, Total vacancy, Selection Procedure, Job description, last date, Application procedure and other key information required for the post below. Kindly go through all the below details before submitting your application Online.

Name of post with pay scale Qualification prescribed
Technician Medical Group (5200-20200+2400) B.S?. in Medical Technology Degree.
Deployment Monitor Gr-II (5200-20200+2400) 10+2 with 05 years’ experience in the field besides possessing plain and Hill DrivingLicense
Junior Assistant (5200-20200+1900) Graduation from any recognized University with knowledge of type words speed per minute. Six months certificate course in Computer                       application       from      ar ecognized Institute.
Barber G-III (4440-7440+1300) Matric     qualification      with         professional knowledge of trade.
Dispatch Rider (5200-20200+2400)  Matriculation.   Motor Cycle Driving License.
Sanitary Supervisor Gr-II (5200-20200+2400) 10+2 qualification with Science subjects besides having:Diploma in Sanitary Inspectors Course from State Medical Faculty OR Diploma in public Health and Sanitation Technologies recognized by Vocational Technical Boards OR course in Housekeeping recognized by Govt.
Driver Gr-II (5200-20200+1900)  Matric .Should possess Heavy passenger Vehicle License endorsed by State Registration Authourtiy

Age as on -01.01.2017: 18 years -48 years

Selection Procedure:

  • Interested and eligible candidates can apply before 24/7/2017.
  • Selection Will be Based  either Written Exam/Interview by the Sher i Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences SKIMS norms or decision.

How To Apply?

  • The necessary instruction for filling-up of online application form is available on SKIMS website, www.Skims.??.in
  • The last date for the submission of online application forms as prescribed above shall be the cutoff date for determining the eligibility to apply for the post.
  • The application form for the above mentioned posts shall be filled online on SKIMS website ( only and no application form shall be issued from SKIMS.
  • A link for online filling of application form shall be available on SKIMS website from 24/06/1017 to 24/07/2017
  • Candidates must take a printout of the fee payment challan after successful filling of application form.
  • Candidates shall deposit fees of Rs.300 (Rupees Three hundred Rupees Only) only with 15/- Bank Charges in any of the branches of Jammu and Kashmir Bank in the account number specified and printed on the payment challan and obtain the candidate’s counterfoil copy of the application fee payment challan duly authenticated by the bank with (a) Branch Name & Code No. (b) Transaction No. and (c) Date of Deposit filled by the branch official and enter the payment details in the online application form (Payment Details) for the final submission of the application form.
  • Candidates cannot edit their application form after submission.
  • Candidates should ensure that their personal email ID as specified in the online application form while applying for any post shall be kept active during the concurrence of a recruitment process.
  • Please Zsote that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such application would be rejected.
  • The downloaded print outs of the application forms along with the Bank Challan & the attested copies of following certificates shall be reçeived either in person or by registered post in the office of the Administrative Officer-(Policy) SKIMS, by or before the last date of receipt of application.

Address For The Job: Sher i Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar

Important Dates:

Last Date to Apply: 24/7/2017

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