JKSSB Recruitment logo 1 Shortlisting of candidates for the post of Naib Tehsildar, (Revenue Department)

Shortlisting of candidates for the post of Naib Tehsildar, (Revenue Department)

Subject:-Shortlisting of candidates for the post of Naib Tehsildar, (Revenue Department), State Cadre, Advertisement Notice No 01 of 2015, (Item No 007).

1. It is notified for information of all the concerned that out of the candidates who appeared in the objective type written test conducted for the Post of Naib Tehsildar, (Revenue Department), State Cadre, Advertisement Notice No 01 of 2015, (Item No 007), the candidates shown in Annexure “A” to the notice have been shortlisted for interview/ viva-voce in terms of Rule 28 of the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (Business and Procedure) Regulations, 2013.

2. The candidates are free to approach the Board for any sort of query/clarification for which they shall represent before the Central Office of J&K Services Selection Board Zum Zum Building, Rambagh in Srinagar or Divisional Office of J&K Services Selection Board Opposite B.S.F School Paloura, Jammu within “10” days from the date of
issuance of instant notification. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained thereafter.

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3. Further, the merit position of the shortlisted candidates shall be displayed only after completion of the selection process. Moreover, any other related information shall be provided to the candidates, on applications as per the
provisions of the RTI Act, after completion of selection process.


1. The candidature of the candidates mentioned in Annexure “A” of this notice is provisional and is be subject to scrutiny of original certificates / documents at the time of interview.

2. The result does not reflect the order of merit of candidates.

3. The interview schedule shall be notified separately.

4. The test for working knowledge of Urdu (Objective and Descriptive), which is also required to be qualified by the candidates shall be notified separately after conclusion of the process of interview/viva voce in respect of such candidates only who present themselves for interview/viva voce.

5. The cut off score out of 120 marks in respect of various categories is indicated at Annexure “B” of this notice for the information of the candidates.

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