sbi copy SBI Recruitment 2020 : 3850 Officer Posts Advertised

SBI Recruitment 2020 : 3850 Officer Posts Advertised

SBI Jobs 2020 Notification to fill 3850 Vacancies – State Bank of India has released the Job Advertisement for the hiring of 3850 Circle Based Officer Posts. Candidates who wanted to apply online application form can visit the official website at Check eligibility criteria and other details on this page before filling the Circle Based Officer application form.

State Bank of India Jobs 2020 Highlights

Name of the Post Circle Based Officer
No. of Vacancies 3850
Job Location All India
Official website

Circle Based Officer: 3850 Posts

  • Qualification:- Candidates who wanted to participate for SBI Circle Based Officer job should have possessed Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government with 2 years’ experience as an officer in any Scheduled Commercial Bank or any Regional Rural Bank.
  • Salary Structure:- JMGS-I (Rs. 23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020/-), at the start of the scale i.e. Rs. 23700/- plus one increment for each completed year of service rendered in officer cadre in the Scheduled Commercial Bank and Regional Rural Bank, as on 01.08.2020. The official will also be eligible for D.A, H.R.A/ Lease rental, C.C.A, Medical, and other allowances & perquisites as per rules in force from time to time.

Age Limit:- 30 years as on 1st August 2020 i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 2nd August 1990.

  • Circle Based Officer: 30 years and upper age are relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC and 15 years for PWD (SC/ST), and 13 years for PWD (OBC) and 10 years for PWD (General/ OBC).
  • Eligible-Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within 6 months from the last date of receipt of application) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to military service or invalided:- 5 Years

Selection Process:- SBI Selection process will be on the bases for Shortlisting and Interview.

Fee charges:- Aspirants who wanted to participate for Circle Based Officer vacancy should pay the below charges through online mode (Debit or Credit Card / Net Banking).

  • General/ OBC/ EWS: Rs. 750/- (Rupee seven hundred fifty only)
  • SC/ ST/ PWD: Nil

How to apply for SBI Vacancy 2020:- Interested and Eligible Applicant may apply online through State Bank of India official website from 27th July 2020 to 16th August 2020.

Important Dates to remember:-

Online Submission starts From: 27th July 2020
Form Submission End Date: 16th August 2020

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