jk gov recruitment jk job alerts 800x445 2 Recruitment of Revenue Consultant in Mini Secretariat, J&K

Recruitment of Revenue Consultant in Mini Secretariat, J&K

Recruitment of Revenue Consultant in Mini Secretariat, J&K

Advertisement for engagement of Retired Revenue Officers/ Officials on contractual basis in Settlement Organization- for implementation of DILRMP.

Date of commencement for submission of application forms : 08 Jan 2019

Last date for submission of application forms : 14 Jan 2019

Place for submission of application forms: (Room No. 220) Mini Secretariat Ganderbal

Applications are invited on the prescribed format (Annexure A) from the eligible candidates, preferably from District, Ganderbal, for temporary engagement of Revenue Consultant in settlement organization for Scanning of Revenue Documents and its quality check under” Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP)”with the following terms & conditions:

The candidates must be Professional Retired Revenue officials of the categories namely Patwari/Girdawar/ Naib- Teshildar/ Tehsildar.

The engagement shall purely be honorarium based for a period of 06 months depending upon the performance in the first instance.

The applicant must be below 68 years of age, physically active and capable of conducting field visits.

The engaged Retired Patwari/Girdawar shall be entitled to honorarium of Rs. 15000/=

(Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) and Retired Naib- Teshildar/ Tehsildar shall be entitled to honorarium of Rs. 200001= (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) per month.

The following documents (Photostat Copies) must be attached with the application form.

Residential Proof Certificate.

Order of his retirement/last entries of service book.

Experience Certificate.

DOB Certificate.

Physical fitness certificate.

The criteria for selection shall be as under:-

To review the service track record of the employee.

Interaction/interview with regard to reading of Jambandies/Girdawaries.

Any other parameter fixed by the Nodal Officer.

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