University of Jammu

Recruitment Notification from Jammu University

Applications on plain paper are invited for the positions of Research Associate (01), Research Assistant (01) and Field Investigator (03) for the research project “The Contribution of Media towards Social Security and Poverty Alleviation: A Study of Jan Dhan Yojana in Border Districts of Jammu” funded by ICSSR under Short-term Empirical Research Project (Collaborative Study), 2023.

Name of the post : Research associate, Research assistant and Field investigator.


  • The applicants for the Research Associate and Research Assistant should have Post Graduation in social science discipline (55% minimum) with NET/M.Phil/Ph.D.
  • The Field Investigator should be Post Graduate in social science discipline with minimum 55% marks. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Salary :

The positions advertised are purely temporary/part time with monthly emoluments of Rs. 40,000/- per month for Research Associate (for a period of two months), Rs. 32,000/- per month for Research Assistant (for a period of four months) and Rs. 30,000/- per month for Field Investigator (For a period of three months).

How to apply :

Interested candidates are required to submit their application complete in all respects (including contact number and e-mail Id. Biodata and relevant documents of eligibility) to the office of the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, University of Jammu, 180006, within 07 days from the date of notification. In addition to hard copy of the application form, the applicants are required to send the soft copy of the same at[email protected].


  • Project Coordinator Reserves the right to change period of engagement as well as number of positions. Selected candidate have to join in the positions as would be communicated to them during the project development.
  • Applications along with bio data should reach to the undersigned within SEVEN (07) days from the date of notification.

For inquiries, please write to:[email protected] or Contact at: 9419196811

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