jk grameen bank copy Recruitment Notification from Jammu and Kashmir Grameen Bank

Recruitment Notification from Jammu and Kashmir Grameen Bank

J&K Grameen Bank invites applications on the under-noted prescribed format from Bank Retirees as well practicing ‘Firms / Partnership firms of Chartered Accountants in India’ who fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned hereunder and are willing to serve J&K Grameen Bank as Concurrent Auditors for conducting concurrent audit of branches for the Financial Year 2018-2019.

The Bio-data along with requisite supporting documents should be submitted on the prescribed Formats to The Chief of Audits, Inspection & Vigilance Department, J&K Grameen Bank, Head Office, Narwal, Jammu. Pin code – 180006 by Hand / postal service / courier receivable before 20-02-2018.

Eligibility criteria for Bank Retirees

Eligibility Norms: –

  1. The Officer must be a retired employee of the Bank (Copy of Retirement Certificate must be enclosed).
  2. The Officer must have served the bank for at-least five years in the capacity of Branch Head.
  3. The Officer must be having sound knowledge of computer operations.
  4. The Officer must not be having any liability pending with Bank.
  5. The Officer must not be involved in any illegal or criminal activity.

Other Requirements: –

  1. “Application for “Empanelment of Bank Retirees for Concurrent Audit” should be mentioned on the envelope, carrying Bio-data.
  2. Bank Retirees applying for empanelment must submit along with application, the Copy of the following documents: –
  3. Identity Proof (copy of PAN Card) and
  4. Address proof (copy of Aadhaar Card/Driving License/ Voter Card/ Passport).
  5. Mere submission of application does not in any way constitute guarantee for allotment of the audit job of any nature from the bank. The allocation of branches to the auditors will purely be the prerogative of the Bank.
  6. The periodicity of concurrent audit assignment (if any) will be for ONE YEAR with quarterly review of performance.
  7. ‘Incomplete Application’ or ‘Application without Requisite Enclosures’ will not be entertained.
  8. The Bank Retirees will undertake that they will not sub contract/sub assign the audit assignment.
  9. The Bank Retirees will not lobby directly or indirectly for consideration of any credit proposals of their friends / relatives / clients / non clients of the Bank.
  10. If empanelled, the detailed terms & conditions of offer including fee and other expenses payable will be intimated at the time of allotment of audit work.
  11. Assignments of empanelled Bank Retirees will be governed by “Code of Ethics” and the bank will initiate necessary action against such persons in case serious deficiencies observed are detrimental to bank’s interest.
  12. All other terms and conditions for empanelment of Bank Retirees as concurrent auditor will be applicable as per approved policy of the bank subject to change from time to time.
  13. Only those applications which are received between the date of notice and the last date of receipt of applications, will be considered.
  14. The Bank Retiree who has submitted any such application earlier to the date of this notice, is required to apply afresh within the stipulated period, if the person meets the requirements for empanelment.
  15. The Bank Retirees who are already empanelled as concurrent auditors should also submit a fresh application for continuation.

Eligibility criteria for Chartered Accountants

Eligibility Norms: –

  1. The CA must be registered Chartered Accountant having Certificate of registration from ICAI.
  2. The firm must be registered with RBI.

Other Requirements: –

  1. “Application for “Empanelment of CA Firm for Concurrent Audit” should be mentioned on the envelope, carrying Bio-data.
  2. CA Firms applying for empanelment must submit along with application, the Copy of the following documents: –
  3. Partnership deed.
  4. Registration certificate issued by the ICAI/ICWAI certifying the constitution of the Firm, their branches & date from which it is continuing as a Partnership Firm (latest).
  5. Registration with RBI.
  6. Registration with CA&G.
  7. Identity Proof/s (copy of PAN Card) and
  8. Address proof/s (copy of Aadhaar Card/Driving License/ Voter Card/ Passport).
  9. Annual Income Tax Return of the Firm.
  • Mere submission of application does not, in any way, constitute guarantee for allotment of the audit job of any nature from the bank. The allocation of branches to the auditors will purely be the prerogative of the Bank.
  1. The periodicity of concurrent audit assignment (if any) will be for ONE YEAR with quarterly review of performance.
  2. ‘Incomplete Application’ or ‘Application without Requisite Enclosures’ will not be entertained.
  3. The Concurrent Audit Firm will undertake that they will not sub contract/sub assign the audit assignment.
  • The Concurrent Audit Firm will not lobby directly or indirectly for consideration of any credit proposals of their friends / relatives / clients / non clients of the Bank.
  • If empanelled, the detailed terms & conditions of offer including fee and other expenses payable will be intimated at the time of allotment of audit work.
  1. Assignments of empanelled CA firms will be governed by “Code of Ethics for Chartered Accountants” circulated by ICAI in its website and the bank will initiate necessary action against such CA firms and its partners in case serious deficiencies observed are detrimental to bank’s interest.
  2. CA firms which carry Statutory Audit Assignment of the Bank will not be considered.
  3. All other terms and conditions for empanelment of CA firm as concurrent auditor will be applicable as per approved policy of the bank subject to change from time to time.
  • Only those applications which are received between the date of notice and the last date of receipt of applications, will be considered.
  • The CA firm which has submitted any such application earlier to the date of this notice, is required to apply afresh within the stipulated period, if the CA firm meets the requirements for empanelment.
  • The CA firms which are already empanelled as concurrent auditors should also submit a fresh application for continuation.


The last date for receipt of application with Bio-Data at our office is 20th of February, 2018 till close of working hours, at the following address:

The Chief of Audits, Inspection & Vigilance

J&K Grameen Bank

Head Office, Narwal

Jammu. J&K

Pin: 180006

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”http://www.aeiro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/62201851341725.doc” icon=”fa-file-word” target=”true”]Eligibility Criteria for Bank Retirees[/button]

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”http://www.aeiro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/622018535201725.doc” icon=”fa-file-word” target=”true”]Eligibility Criteria for CAs[/button]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”http://www.aeiro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/622018206201726.doc” icon=”fa-file-word” target=”true”]Application format for Retirees[/button]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”http://www.aeiro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/622018539281726.doc” icon=”fa-file-word” target=”true”]Application format for CAs[/button]

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