1464357497 4281 POWERGRID Corporation of India Limited jobs 2017: 30 Vacancies. Salary upto 35,500/-

POWERGRID Corporation of India Limited jobs 2017: 30 Vacancies. Salary upto 35,500/-

Vacancy Name Diploma Trainee
Qualification Diploma
Vacancies 30 Posts
Salary Rs. 16,000 – Rs. 35,500/- Per Month
Job Location Gurgaon, Shimla, Srinagar, Lucknow, Amritsar
Last Date to Apply 26/09/2017

Age: 27 years for UR 30 years for OBC(NCL) 32 years for SC
APPLICATION FEE: Rs.300/- (Non- refundable) (SC/ST/PwD/ Ex-servicemen/Departmental candidates are exempted from payment of application fee)
Name of the Post : Diploma Trainee (Electrical)
Number of vacancies (*) : Total- 30 (UR-17,OBC-07, SC-06) 02 vacancies reserved for PWD (01 for PwD(HH) &PwD (OH) each)
Qualification : Full Time Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized Technical Board/Institute with not less than 70% marks for UR/ OBC (NCL) category and Pass marks for SC
Stipend during training period of One year : 16500/-per month
Designation & Level on successful completion of training period : Junior Engineer – Gr. IV at S1 -16000/- in the pay scale of 16000-35500/-(IDA)


Only Indian Nationals who have attained the age of 18 years and above are eligible to apply
Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement.
The vacancies notified may vary and operation of panel will depend on requirement. Complaints attributable to the incompatibility of the Client Systems, ignorance of users, non-availability of internet connectivity or any other aspects beyond the direct control of POWERGRID employees or systems will not be entertained in the Complaint Management System of POWERGRID. No correspondence made in Complaint Management System of POWERGRID in this recruitment will be entertained by POWERGRID. Any clarification/query related to this advertisement may be mailed at [email protected].
Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is not in conformity with the criteria mentioned in the detailed advertisement
The details regarding Computer Based Test i.e. How to attempt the test, Mock Test link for practicing online etc. will be informed separately along with the admit card to the candidates who will found eligible in Preliminary scrutiny.

Important Dates

Opening date of online submission of application 06.09.2017(11:00 hrs)
Closing date of online submission of application 26.09.2017(23:59 hrs)
Opening date for deposit of fee through Online mode 06.09.2017(11:00 hrs)
Last date for deposit of fee through Online mode 26.09.2017(23:59 hrs)
Cut-Off date for the purpose of upper age limit / qualification /reservation 26.09.2017

Selection Procedure

The Selection Process shall involve Objective Type Selection Test of two hours duration, to be attempted on Computer(i.e. Computer Based Test)
Final merit for selection for the subject post shall be decided based on marks secured by the candidates in Selection Test (with 100%weightage) i.e. there shall be no interview
The applicants will have the option to appear for Selection Test in HINDI language also.Center for the selection test shall be intimated separately to the applicants found eligible during preliminary scrutiny of application. The right to allocate center/venue shall be reserved by the Management.

How to Apply

Interested and eligible candidates may apply through Online Registration on POWERGRID website. To apply for the said post logon to http://www.powergridindia.com Careers section Job Opportunities Openings Regional Openings NR-II Recruitment “Recruitment for the post of Diploma Trainee (Electrical) in NRTS-II, Advt. No. N2JM/HR/Rect-2017 dated 06.09.2017. No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted.
Candidates are advised to upload the following documents while submitting online application in the space earmarked in the on-line application: – a. Valid Self E-mail ID, Alternate E-mail ID and Mobile No. b. Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph max. (50kb) in .JPG format c. Scanned copy of signature max. (30kb) in .JPG format d. Date of Birth Proof: Matric/ Birth Certificate (wherein DOB is mentioned) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format e. Qualification Certificate (Diploma/ Degree) along with Mark Sheets of all years/semesters (max. 10MB) in .pdf format (all Qualification Certificate & Mark Sheets are required to be scanned in single .pdf format) f. Caste Certificate in the prescribed GOI format issued by competent authority (if applicable) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format g. Disability Certificate in the prescribed GOI format issued by competent authority (if applicable) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format h. Ex-Service Man Discharge Certificate (if applicable ) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format i. Domicile cum Age relaxation certificates for Candidates from J&K State/ Riots Victim in the prescribed GOI format issued by Competent Authority (if applicable) (max. 1MB) in .pdf format j. Employment Exchange Registration Certificate/ Receipt (if applicable) (1MB) in .pdf format
Applicants are advised to take a print out of the submitted online application and note down the user ID and password generated at the time of online registration. On further announcement of dates for the selectin test, the eligible candidates shall download Admit cards from the POWERGRID website for appearing in the selection test. In case the candidate qualifies the written test and is called for further verification process then at the time of joining the candidate is required to produce the above uploaded documents in original
Advt. No. N2JM/HR/Rect-2017
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