wsi imageoptim JKPSC Selection Lists 2 Notification regarding Written test for the posts of District Litigation Officer, Assistant Legal Remembrance/Public Law Officer

Notification regarding Written test for the posts of District Litigation Officer, Assistant Legal Remembrance/Public Law Officer

Subject: Written test for the posts of District Litigation Officer, Assistant Legal Remembrance / Public Law Officer notified vide Notification No 20 – PSC (DR-P) OF 2016 Dated: 29.12.2016 & 03-PSC (DR-P) of 2018 Dated : 29.01.2018 respectively in Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Department.

Dated: 10-04-2018

It is notified for the information of all the concerned candidates that the Written Test for the post of District Litigation Officer, Assistant Legal Remembrance/Public Law Officer in Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Department shall be conducted as per the date/time shown below:-

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 S. No. Subject  Date   Time
 1  District Litigation Officer 27.05.2018  10.00 Am to 12 Noon
 2  Assistant Legal Remembrancer / Public Law Officer  27.05.2018  10.00 Am to 12 Noon


  1. Only those candidates shall appear in the Written Test, who fulfill the eligibility prescribed for the post as mentioned in the Advertisement Notifications. However, Permission to appear in the written test will be purely provisional subject to further verification of the documents at any stage of selection process.
  2. The candidature of such candidates shall be rejected at any stage of process of selection, who are found to have misrepresented or concealed the material facts having a bearing on their eligibility.

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