Kashmir University Logo Notification regarding provisional admission to the BA/B.Sc./B.Com/BBA/ BCA/MCMP 2nd & 3rd year classes in favor of the candidates having appeared in 1st and 2nd Year (Annual) Examination 2014

Notification regarding provisional admission to the BA/B.Sc./B.Com/BBA/ BCA/MCMP 2nd & 3rd year classes in favor of the candidates having appeared in 1st and 2nd Year (Annual) Examination 2014

University of Kashmir
Hazratbal, Srinagar-190006

Admission Notification

2nd & 3rd year BA/B.Sc./B.Com/BBA/BCA/MCMP

It is notified for the information of all concerned that the Vice-Chancellor has been pleased to authorize grant of provisional admission to the BA/B.Sc./B.Com/BBA/ BCA/MCMP 2nd & 3rd year classes in favor of the candidates having appeared in 1st and 2nd Year (Annual) Examination 2014 of the respective courses, in anticipation of declaration of result of the said examinations on payment of non-refundable admission/processing fee of Rs. 50/-.

The Principals of the Colleges shall seek an affidavit from the concerned students to the effect that their provisional admission shall automatically stand cancelled in case they fail to fulfill the eligibility requirements as and when the result is declared.

The provisional admission shall be completed by the respective Colleges by or before 30-05-2015 and the Principals of the Colleges shall submit course wise error free, Registration Returns (in CD along with hard copy duly signed by the Principal), as per the statutory bindings.

Further, the results of BG 1st & 2nd year are declared, Principals of the Colleges must confirm the admission of the respective eligible candidates to which class they had already sought provisional admission.

(Dr. Peer Naseer Ahmad)
Assistant Registrar

No. F(Admn-2nd & 3rd Year.BG)Reg/KU/15
Date:- 13-05-2015

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