NIELIT NIELIT Recruitment November 2018: Various Vacancies to be filled

NIELIT Recruitment November 2018: Various Vacancies to be filled

NIELIT Recruitment 2018 for 56 posts

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) Recruitment 56 posts. On behalf of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), applications are invited from eligible and qualified candidates for the following posts in Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (ICERT), a statutory organizations of MeitY.


For fulfilling the eligibility criteria, a candidate should possess one of the Essential Educational Qualifications as indicated in the Table given below and requisite experience, complete in all respects, by last date of receipt of applications (closing date i.e 19/12/2018). Details of number of vacancies and essential eligibility qualifications are as under:

Sl. No


Name of the post and classification



Level in Pay Matrix


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Essential educational/Professional Qualifications and Experience


Essential and Relevant Experience (Post Essential Qualification Experience)


Upper Age Limit (6)



(Equivalentto Group ‘A’post in the Central Government)

Level – 11, (Rs.67700- 208700)

(a) Bachelor degree in Technology or Bachelor degree in Engineering or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers (A&B) (Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information Technology or Electronics and Communication or Electronics and Telecommunication ) with five years (six years for Associate Member of Institute of Engineers) of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors;
(b) Master degree in Science (M.Sc.) (Physics or Electronics or Applied Electronics) with six years of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors;
(c) Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) B-Level or Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) with six years of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors;
(d) Master in Computer Application (MCA) with six years of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors.

1. Possessing the period of experience as specified in Col. 4[(a) to (d)] and also in the organizations specified in Col. 4[(a)to(d)] inanyorthe combinations in the field of Information Technology with emphasis on networking, Cyber Laws, e-Commerce, Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics.
2. Working knowledge in the following one or more areas is desirable –
(i) Financial Services Sector; or
(ii) Energy or Power Sector; or
(iii) Telecommunications Sector; or (iv)Information and Communications
Technology and Cyber Security
Sector; or
(v) Transport Sector; or
(vi) Manufacturing Sector; or (vii) Health Sector.

35 Years as on closing date for receipt of applications


Scientific ‘D’

(Equivalentto Group ‘A’post in the Central Government)

Level – 12, (Rs.78800- 209200)


(a) Bachelor degree in Technology or Bachelor degree in Engineering or Associate Member of Institute of Engineers (A&B) (Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information Technology or Electronics and Communication or Electronics and Telecommunication ) with eight years (nine years for Associate Member of Institute of Engineers) of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors;


  1. (b)  Master degree in Science (M.Sc.) (Physics or Electronics or Applied Electronics) with nine years of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors;


  2. (c)  Department of Electronics and Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) B-Level or Graduate Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) with nine years of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors;


  3. (d)  Master in Computer Application (MCA) with nine years of relevant work experience in Ministries or Departments or Attached and Subordinate Offices of the Central Government or Statutory Bodies or Autonomous Bodies or Public Sector Undertakings or Private Sectors.

1. Possessing the period of experience as specified in Col. 4 [(a) to (d)] and also in the organizations specified in Col. 4 [(a) to (d)] in any or the combinations in the field of Information Technology with emphasis on networking, Cyber Laws, e-Commerce, Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics.

2. Working knowledge in the following one or more areas is desirable –

  1. (i)  Financial Services Sector; or
  2. (ii)  Energy/Power Sector; or
  3. (iii)  Telecommunications Sector; or

(iv)Information and Communications

Technology and Cyber Security

Sector; or
(v) Transport Sector; or
(vi) Manufacturing Sector; or (vii) Health Sector.


40 Years as on closing date for receipt of applications.

2.1: Details of Vacancies:

Post Name

Total Vacancies



Reserved for SC/ST/OBC

Reserved for PWDs (Horizontal Reservation)







Scientist ‘C’







Scientist ‘D’




01 03

5. How to Apply

i. Before applying, Candidates are advised to go through this advertisement carefully in detail for determining their eligibility as per laid down criteria for the post.

ii. The admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.

iii. Candidates are requested to apply ONLINE at between 20.11.2018 (10:00 a.m) and 19/12/2018 (5:30 p.m). No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e-mail identification and active mobile number. The procedure/steps for filling up of applications online is available at ‘How to Apply’ on the main Page.

iv. The application shall be treated complete only if all the mandatory Steps are completed successfully. In case candidate is not able to submit fee by closing date and time, or the application is otherwise incomplete, his/her candidature will summarily be rejected.

v. Applicant can view the Application details from the View/Print Application menu option available on the home page by providingApplication Number and Date of Birth. Applicant is required to make sure that „Application Status? on application form is “Submitted Successfully” otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected.

vi. Application Fees: The applicants shall pay the Application Fee at the rates indicated in the Table below through online payment mode via application software only:

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]

[button color=”black” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Apply[/button]

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