Centre for Career Planning and Counselling
University of Kashmir
Consultants required on Temporary Basis
The Centre requires the services (on temporary basis) of Two Consultants for a period extendable upto one year only. Experienced candidates with a minimum qualification of graduation in any discipline may apply. However, the applicants must have necessarily an experience of at least two years in career counselling and coaching activities. Candidates selected are subject to periodic review of their performance after every quarter of the year (Three Months Performance Appraisal).
The following are important instructions in this regard:
1. The two consultants will be hired on temporary/contractual basis. One for Career Counselling & Placements and the other for Training, Coaching & Tests. The Consultant positions are temporary in nature and will be terminated once Permanent Positions are filled up or till the contract period is over, whichever is earlier.
2. Candidates are required to register online on the University Website www.kashmiruniverrsity.ac.in or ccpc.uok.edu.in. The last date for applying is 14th of August upto 4:30PM.
3. Candidates are required to send us their Registration Form (downloaded) alongwith the testimonials to our official mail [email protected] (Graduation Marks Sheet & Degree Certificate, Work Experience Certificate/s and any other testimonial/s relevant only for the job.
4. In case the number of Candidates is substantially more, short listing of the candidates will be done on the basis of merit-cum-experience basis.
5. The Shortlisted candidates will be informed about Online Interview schedule (Time & Date). The Link for Online Platform will be conveyed to the shortlisted candidates in due course of time.
6. Candidates are advised to check our Web Centre page http://ccpc.uok.edu.in or www.kashmiruniversity.ac.in for regular updates.
Note: – No Applications Forms can be uploaded after 4:30PM, 14.08.2020
For any further information in this regard, candidates may contact office of the Centre for Career Planning and Counselling on 0194-2272265, 9906457613 upto 4:30 pm.
[button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”https://www.kashmiruniversity.net/jobs/1935.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]
[button color=”purple ” size=”medium” link=”http://www.kashmiruniverrsity.ac.in/” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Apply[/button]