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Kashmir University Recruitment 2020 – Various Posts Advertised

Applications on the prescribed format (available on the university website) are invited from eligible candidates for the below mentioned positions available in the Centre of Kashmir Himalayan Biodiversity- Documentation, Bio-prospection and Conservation sanctioned to the University of Kashmir by the University Grants commission under the CPEPA scheme initially for a period of one year. The positions are purely temporary and coterminous with the tenure of the scheme.

Applications along with photocopies of certificates/transcripts and other documents indicating qualification, percentage of marks obtained, age, certificate of having qualified NET/GATE/other similar accredited tests, and relevant experience (if any), must reach the office of undersigned by or before 25th February, 2020.

S.No. Name of the position Monthly emoluments Number Eligibility
01 Research Consultant Rs.  36000  pm  +HRA
as per norms
01 i.       M.Sc in Botany/Zoology/Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry with at least 55% marks.
ii.       Ph. D in the concerned subject.
Desirable:   Experience   in   biodiversity   studies; bioprospection,    assessment,    measurement    and conservation of biodiversity.
02 Junior Research Fellow/ Project Fellow* Rs.   16000   for   first three   years   and   Rs. 18000   for   third   and 4th year +HRA as per norms
(Project           Fellows
would        be        paid emoluments    as    per UGC norms)
01 M.      Sc      with      at      least      55%      marks      in Zoology/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology.
Desirable:  Knowledge  of  biotechnological  and biochemical   techniques   applicable   in   aquatic
02 M.Sc  with  at  least  55%  marks  in  Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Clinical Biochemistry
Desirable:   Experience    related   to   the   project objectives.
01 M. Sc with at least 55% marks in Botany
Desirable:   Experience    related   to   the   project objectives.
01 M. Sc with at least 55% in Geoinformatics.
Desirable:   Experience    related   to   the   project objectives.
03 Computer
Rs. 10,000/- month
01 i.             BCA or B.Sc IT with 55% marks. or
ii.          Graduate with 55% marks and having passed one year’s Diploma course in Computer Science/Computer Applications from a recognized
04 Field Assistants/ MTS Rs. 7,000/- month (consolidated) 01 Middle pass and physically fit.
Applicants with experience in multiple areas, such as field survey, collection and processing of biological material, gardening, driving etc would be

[button color=”black” size=”medium” link=”http://www.kashmiruniversity.net/jobs/1909.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Notification[/button]

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”http://www.kashmiruniversity.net/jobs/1909.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Application Form[/button]

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