Kashmir University

Kashmir University – Important Instructions regarding positions of Assistant Registrars/Assistant Controllers of Examinations



Regulations and Syllabus for appointment of Officers Level positions of Assistant Registrars/Assistant Controller Examinations & equivalent cadres notified vide
No. F.(Recruitment-Regulations-Officers)GA/KU/20 dated October 15, 2020, is available on University website at www.kashmiruniversity.net

All the applicants for the posts of Assistant Registrars/Assistant Controllers of Examination notified vide Advertisement Notice No 2 of 2019 dated 24.10.2019 are required to go through the Regulations / Syllabus and prepare accordingly for the screening examinations.

Schedule of Examination shall be notified separately and the candidates in their own interest are advised to remain in touch with the University website & email
accounts for updates. Issuance of notifications in the newspapers or sending postal letters is not obligatory on the part of the University.

Subject to ratification by the Competent Body, the Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendations of the constituted committee has been pleased to authorize implementation/adoption of Officers Recruitment Regulations, 2020:

  1. Short Title, commencement and Application:

    • These Regulations may be called University of Kashmir Officers (Recruitment) Regulations, 2020.
    • These Regulations shall come into force from the date of their notification by the University;
    • These Regulations shall be applicable to the posts of Assistant Registrars/ Assistant Controllers of Examinations, Assistant Director, DIQA, Public Relations Officers, Placement Officers etc. and such other posts as the University may declare from time to time as equivalent to such posts;
    • iv) The University of Kashmir may apply these regulations for recruitments to such other posts as it may by notification’s specify irrespective of whether such posts are equivalent to the posts referred to in clause (iii) of Regulation 1 above.
  2. Definitions:

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:

    • “Act” means the Kashmir and Jammu Universities Act, 1969, as amended from time to time;
    • “Regulations” means the University of Kashmir Officers (Recruitment) Regulations, 2020;
    • “University” means the University of Kashmir as defined under Section 2(k) of the Act.
    • “Officers” Services mean and include ministerial, technical and other staff and such other services as may from time to time be notified by the University to be included in the Officers Service of the University.
    • “Appendix” means an Appendix to these Regulations
    • “Relevant Statutes” mean the statutes of the University made under the Kashmir and Jammu Universities Act, 1969
    • “Selection Committee” means a selection Committee constituted under Rule 11 of these Regulations.


The Officers posts include posts carrying such scales of pay and other scales as the University may notify from time to time to fall in such services and such scales shall include their corresponding scales to which such scales of pay are upgraded from time to time.

  1. Eligibility criteria for Posts:

    • Minimum eligibility for a post/s shall be notified while advertising the post/s clearly specifying the essential, desirable qualifications and other eligibility conditions. Eligibility shall be as per the UGC norms or University approved qualifications as the case may be;
    • Candidates fulfilling minimum eligibility notified at higher level or equivalent degree shall be considered as fulfilling the eligibility. Candidates possessing degrees at higher level or possessing post-graduation diplomas in the relevant subject shall be considered eligible where qualification prescribed for a post Is graduation in a relevant subject;
Detailed Notification and Syllabus

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