No.F (Appt-CL) DFE/KU/16
Faculty Job vacancies in University of Kashmir
Specializations :
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering: B. Tech. and M.Tech.
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English: NET/SET and M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Sc. Mathematics, M.A. English.
Note : a) Preference will be given to the candidates having M.Phil or Ph.D degree. b) If M. Tech. candidates are not available in any Engineering stream then candidates having B. Tech. degree with valid GATE score will be considered.
Salary : The salary of the appointees shall be Rs. 25,000/-per month
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview
Job Role: Teacher / Trainer
How to apply
The Application Form complete in all respects and attached with relevant documents should be deposited in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Zakura Campus, University of Kashmir, by or before January 4, 2017. Interviews are scheduled on January 5 and 6, 2017 at Zakura Campus (for details, candidates are advised to contact the office of the Dean Faculty of Engineering, Zakura Campus).