JKSSB Notification regarding various Posts
JKSSB Notification regarding various Posts
JKSSB has issued notification for various posts. Click on the relevant link below:
Notice regarding Postponement of CBT Examination for the Post of Assistant Compiler scheduled on 09.01.2022 due to bad weather conditions.
Notice regarding Postponement of Driving Test for the Post of Drivers Scheduled on 08.01.2022 due to bad weather conditions.
Notification regarding Document Verification of the candidates falling under consideration zone for various categories of posts advertised vide Advertisement Notification Nos. 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01 of 2021, for which the Computer Based Written Test(CBT) Examination was conducted from 27th October to 02 of November 2021.
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Syllabi for the various posts of Forest,Ecology and Environment Department vide Advertisement Notification No. 03 of 2021.
Notice regarding conduct of SHORTHAND-TEST (Dictation and Transcription) of the candidates who have qualified the “TYPE-TEST for the posts of Junior Scale Stenographer, Personal Assistant and Steno Typist, UT Cadre, Divisional Cadres and various Districts,Advertisement Notification Nos 04, 05, 06 and 07 of 2020 and 01, 02 and 03 of 2021 shall be conducted at NIELIT,Jammu(formerly DOEACC, an Institution Under Ministry of Comm. & IT, Govt of India), University Campus, Jammu for Jammu based candidates shall be conducted w.e.f 11-01-2022 onwards.
Notice for candidates who could not appear in CBT on 07.01.2022 due to bad weather.