JKSSB JE JR ASSISTANT TRAINING OFFICER CLERK RECRUITMENT 2014 JKSSB: N 2 of 15 - Necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications

JKSSB: N 2 of 15 – Necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications

The necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications are given below:

  • Candidates are required to apply online through JKSSB website www.jkssb.nic.in .No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.
  • Applicants are first required to go to the JKSSB website www.jkssb.nic.in and click on the link “Online Application”.
  • Applicants are advised to check their eligibility for a particular post/Item No by clicking on the post/Item No name before applying online.
  • Candidates can apply online by clicking on the “apply” button shown on the JKSSB website www.jkssb.nic.in/pages/jobs.aspx. All the fields in the online application format should be filled up carefully.
  • On clicking “apply” button an instruction window is shown. Candidates should read instructions carefully before clicking on proceed button at the bottom of the webpage.

  • On clicking “proceed” button system asks for candidate’spersonal information including ‘name’, ‘father’s/husband’s name’, ‘category’, ‘dob’, gender, ‘marital status’, ‘contact information ’, email-id, qualification details, and other relevant information.
  • The candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph, signature and thumb impression specimen. Images to be uploaded should be only in (*.jpeg,*.jpg).
    Size of the photograph (passport size) must be between 20kB to 50kB.
    Size of the signature and thumb impression must be between 10kB to 20kB.
    Try this website to resize images easily: Picresize.com
  • Click on “submit”button at bottom of the page, it will display all facts/particulars that you have mentioned on entry time. If you are sure with filled details then click on respective button to finally push data into server with successfully submission report that you can print. Otherwise you can modify your details.
  • Candidates cannot edit their application after submission.
  • A registration slip is generated where you can find your 13 digit application number, 10 digit username and link to print e-challan and application form.

  • On completion of above step your account is created regarding which an e-mail is sent to e-mail specified while filling the application form. Candidates can access their account by logging in to their respective accounts.
  • Candidates should ensure that their personal email id (as specified in the online application form while applying for any post) is kept active during the currency of a recruitment project.
  • The candidate should take a printout of the fee payment challan.
  • Candidates can deposit fees of Rs. 400/-(Rupees Four hundred) only in any of the branches of Jammu and Kashmir Bank in the account number specified and printed on the payment e-challan only.
  • Go to the nearest Jammu and Kashmir bank branch with the fee payment e-challan and pay, in cash.
  • Obtain the candidate’s counterfoil copy of the application fee payment e-challan duly authenticated by the bank with (a) branch name & code no and (c) date of deposit filled by the branch official.
  • Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan with them.

  • Submission of fee payment challan shall not be accepted / entertained after cut-off date fixed for the advertisement notification.
  • Candidates should not submit a printout of the application / fee payment receipt (cbs challan) to jkssb at this stage.
  • Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
  • The application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for interview.

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