JKSSB Recruitment logo 2 Important: JKSSB concludes written exams for 1400 posts, No viva for all these posts

Important: JKSSB concludes written exams for 1400 posts, No viva for all these posts

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) on Sunday concluded a week of written exams for various posts of different departments. The Computer-based Written Tests (CBT) for about 700 posts of School Education department (Library Assistants and Junior Librarian) and Health and Family Welfare Department (FMPHW/MMPHW) was held on 21st and 22nd December in Jammu and Srinagar.

The spokesman said 2100 candidates took the CBT which was conducted in 22 centres in both the Capitals. The OMR based test for another 700 posts of Forest department (Forest guards, Social Forestry Workers, Wildlife Guards etc.) was held on Sunday (24th December). The JKSSB recorded its highest ever attendance of 96% in the Forest Guard examination. A total of 20570 candidates appeared in the Forest Guard exam. The exam was held in both the Capital cities from 12 to 2:30 pm.

There will be no viva for all these posts and candidates would be selected on the basis of their performance in the written tests, the spokesman added

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