JKSSB Recruitment logo JKSSB Candidates: Important Notification from Service Selection Board.

JKSSB Candidates: Important Notification from Service Selection Board.

(Notification of Written Test Examinations – T1 & T2 of 2017)

It is notified for information of all the concerned that the Written Test (Objective Type) Examination for the below mentioned posts of STATE / DIVISION and DISTRICT cadres, advertised vide Advt. Notification Nos. 07 of 2015, 01 of 2016, 02 of 2016, 03 of 2016 & 04 of 2016, shall be conducted on 2nd April, 2017 in two (02) sessions (Morning – from 10.00 A.M to 12.30 P.M & Afternoon – from 02:00 P.M to 04.30 P.M):-

T1 of 2017 (2nd April, 2017, Morning – from 10.00 A.M to 12.30 P.M)

JKSSB JKSSB Candidates: Important Notification from Service Selection Board.


T2 of 2017 (2nd April, 2017, Afternoon – from 02:00 P.M to 04.30 P.M)

JKSSB 2 JKSSB Candidates: Important Notification from Service Selection Board.

It is further informed, that the examination venue will be indicated on the Admit Cards. The Admit Cards shall be available / can be down-loaded from the official website of the Board i.e www.jkssb.nic.in for which a separate notice shall be issued.
It is also informed that that examination centre has been allotted strictly as per the option exercised by the candidates at the time of submission of application for the above posts. Hence, no request for change of centre allotted shall be entertained. The candidates are advised to strictly follow the instructions detailed out on the admit cards.

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://www.jkssb.nic.in/Pdf/Downloader.ashx?nid=10091&type=n” icon=”” target=”true”]Click here to download notification.[/button]