logo JKPSC AEIRO JKPSC Recruitment for Assistant Professor Posts: Important Notification

JKPSC Recruitment for Assistant Professor Posts: Important Notification

The “Editing Window” of the JKPSC Portal for online submission of application form’s for the post of Assistant Professor in Higher Education Department advertised vide Notification No. 09-PSC [DR-P] of 2021 dated 03.09.2021, was made available for the candidates w.e.f 11.10.2021 to 15.10.2021. Now, again various candidates have represented for extension in the editing period citing various technical reasons. Though, the technical issues raised by the candidates were taken up with the NIC but the same could not be resolved promptly due to hack to back holidays.

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Therefore, the Commission taking cognizance of the issue has decided to extend the. editing period of the online application forms upto 21.10.2021. All the aspiring candidates are therefore informed through the medium of this Notice to avail the extension in the editing period and upgrade their application forms/upload additional information if any during the extension period.

No further request regarding any change or correction whatsoever shall henceforth he accepted after the cutoff date

Official Notification

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