Director School Education Jammu Academic Arrangement in 10+2 J&K Govt. Higher Secondary Schools for the session 2018-19 (Summer/Winter Zones) Kathua
In pursuance to Govt. Order No. 638-Edu of 2018 dated 26-04-2018 conveyed through Director School Education Jammu’s letter No. DSEJ/Gaz/Lect/27325-34 dated 14-05-2018, Applications are invited from permanent residents of District Kathua for meeting requirement of Lecturers in different Govt.
Higher Secondary Schools of Summer/Winter Zones of District Kathua for the session 2018-19 on purely temporary basis for Academic Arrangement initially for a period of 59 days only which may be extended as per requirement, performance or till the posts are filled up on regular basis through DPC,PSC or by effecting transfer by permanent whichever is earlier.
Govt Teaching Jobs
Subjects in which applications are invited for Summer Zones:-
1. Botany 2. Chemistry 3. Comp. Science 4. Dogri 5. Economics 6. Education 7. English
8. Env. Sciences 9. Hindi 10. History 11. I.P 12. I.T 13. Math 14. Pol. Science 15. Sanskrit 16. Urdu 17. Zoology
Subjects in which applications are invited for Winter Zones in continuation to this Office advertisement Notice No. CEOK/50719 dated 24/02/2018.
1. Math 2. Physics
The Engagement of the candidate will be governed on the following terms and conditions.
1. The engagement shall be made purely on “Academic Arrangement” at +2 level on monthly consolidated honorarium as per Govt. Order No. 450-Edu of 2018 dated 27-03-2018 for the academic session 2018-19 only.
2. That the candidate should be permanent resident of District Kathua.
3. That the candidate has passed the Post Graduation Degree in the relevant subject from recognized University.
4. That the candidate fulfills the age required as per State Government norms on the first January, 2018.
5. That the candidate to be engaged on temporary basis has to submit an affidavit duly attested by the Judicial Magistrate that he/she shall has no claim or right for appointment on permanent basis/regularization or continuation of their services on any ground whatsoever and there will be no commitment of the State Government in this behalf. The candidate has to abide all Government service conduct rules and as per terms and conditions of engagement provisions laid down by the department from time to time and will be willing to serve in any school as per engagement order. The academic arrangement of the candidate shall automatically cease or stand cancelled on completion of the academic session or as and when the post is filled up on regular basis by the PSC. DPC or by effective transfer by higher authorities.
6. That the candidate will be engaged on temporary basis on academic arrangement initially for a period of 59 days which can be extended subject to their requirement by giving two days break or till the post is filled on regular basis through DPC, PSC or by effecting transfer by permanent whichever is earlier.
7. That the candidate will be allowed to join in the school provided the post of Lecturer in the relevant subject is vacant and enrolment is more than 10.
8. That the engagement will automatically cease and no separate order is required to be issued as and when the permanent lecturer joins either by PSC, DPC or by effective transfer by higher authorities.
9. That the candidate who applies for Summer Zone is not applicable for Winter zone and vice-versa.
10. Applications are invited for above mentioned subjects and Engagement shall be made subject to the availability of the vacant post which can be vary from time to time depending upon transfers/Promotions and outcome of PSC selection/appointments and enrolment of the subject.
11. The applicants should submit their applications in the Office of the Chief Education Officer Kathua within 07 days from publication of this advertisement along with the following attested testimonials.
A) Date of Birth Certificate.
B) Permanent Residence Certificate.
C) Qualification Certificates (from recognized Board/ university).
D) NET/SET Certificate.
E) Experience Certificate(s) of teaching at 10+2 level from Govt, institution(s) only with the percentage of results registered and number of months put in. Experience certificate(s) shall be considered valid only if It is issued by the Principal, Govt. Higher Secondary School concerned.
12. Under taking in the shape of an Affidavit duly attested by Judicial Magistrate that he/she shall has no claim or right for appointment on permanent basis/regularization or continuation of their services on any ground whatsoever and there will be no commitment of the State Government in this behalf. The candidate has to abide all Government service conduct rules and as per terms and conditions of engagement provisions laid down by the department from time to time and will be willing to serve in any school as per engagement order. The academic arrangement of the candidate shall automatically cease or stand cancelled on completion of the academic session or as and when the post is filled up on regular basis by the PSC, DPC or by effective transfer by higher authorities.
13. The salary of those candidates will be kept withheld who leave the allotted Govt. Higher Secondary Schools in the middle of the session after joining if post will not be filled by the higher authorities. The candidates have to work for full time in the allotted Govt. Higher Secondary Schools.
The Candidates shall be selected purely on Merit basis. The Prescribed sclae of Weight age to be acted for such engagement shall be as follows :
- PG : 80 Points (On Pro Rata Basis)
- M.Phil : 5 Points (On Pro Rata Basis)
- Ph.D : 5 Points (On Pro Rata Basis)
- NET/ SET : 5 Points (On Pro Rata Basis)
- Experience : 5 Points (On Pro Rata Basis)
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