509139 jk bank JK Bank Recruitment: What will be the Salary of POs and BAs after Confirmation?

JK Bank Recruitment: What will be the Salary of POs and BAs after Confirmation?

Since, This is one of the most asked question on Facebook PageJ&K Bank Recruitment 2018, we decided to show you the Pay Scale of  both posts here:

Probationary Officers:

Probationary Officer is Scale I job in Jammu and Kashmir Bank. Last time, J&K Bank advertised PO was way back in 2002. After that, Officer Scale I posts were named as Relationship Executives. However, both posts essentially have the same job profile and salary.

Currently POs fall in the Pay Bracket of Rs.(23700-980/7-30560-1145/2-32850-1310/7-42020). If you don’t know what that mean, let me explain more in detail:

The Basic Pay of newly confirmed PO in J&K Bank will be Rs. 23,700. Each year, employee gets an increment on Basic Pay. The first increment that a PO gets will be Rs. 980. This will be followed by Rs. 980 increment for the next six (6) years till the basic pay reached Rs. 30,560. Similarly, this will be followed by increment of Rs. 1,135 for the next two (2) years and Rs. 1,310 for the next seven (7) years.

Approximate First Salary:

Basic pay 23700
D.A (Currently 54.1%) 14100
HRA (Major A Class City) 2100
Variable Pay 5900
Special Grade Pay 2900
Total 48,700

The Total of Rs. 48,700 excludes other allowances that an officer is eligible for.

But this is not all, Banking Industry has overdue Salary revision pending since Nov. 2017. If we expect a minimum of 12% hike, you will end up with around Rs. 54,500 in your pocket.

Note: Qualify JAIIB and CAIIB to get additional increments.

Banking Associates:

Banking Associate is Clerical job in Jammu and Kashmir Bank. Last time, J&K Bank advertised Banking Associate posts was way back in 2011.

Currently BAs fall in the Pay Bracket of Rs. (11765-655/3-13730-815/3-16175-980/4-20095-1145/7-28110-2120/1-30230-1310/1-31540 (20 years)). If you don’t know what that mean, let me explain more in detail:

The Basic Pay of newly confirmed BA in J&K Bank will be Rs. 11,765. Each year, employee gets an increment on Basic Pay. The first increment that a BA gets will be Rs. 655. This will be followed by Rs. 655 increment for the next two (2) years till the basic pay reached Rs. 13,730. Similarly, this will be followed by increment of Rs. 815 for the next three (3) years, Rs. 980 for the next four (4) years, Rs. 1,145 for the next seven(7) years, Rs. 2,120 for the next one(1) year and Rs. 1,310 for the next one(1) year.

Approximate First Salary:

Basic pay 11765
D.A (Currently 54.1%) 7000
HRA (Major A Class City) 1000
Variable Pay 2900
Special Grade Pay 900
Total 23,565

The Total of Rs. 23,565 excludes other allowances that an Clerk is eligible for.

But this is not all, Banking Industry has overdue Salary revision pending since Nov. 2017. If we expect a minimum of 12% hike, you will end up with around Rs. 26,400 in your pocket.

Note: Qualify JAIIB and CAIIB to get additional increments.

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