jkhighcourt759 Jammu & Kashmir High Court Recruitment: 279 Vacancies. Graduates can apply.

Jammu & Kashmir High Court Recruitment: 279 Vacancies. Graduates can apply.

On 29/05/2017, JK High Court announced recruitment notification to hire candidates who completed Graduation for the position of Steno Typist, Junior Assistant.

JK High Court recruitment 2017 proposes to receive the application from applicants in Offline Mode. Eligible candidates can submit their application to JK High Court before 15/06/2017. All those aspiring to apply can check out various information like eligibility criteria, salary, Total vacancy, Selection Procedure, Job description, last date, Application procedure and other key information required for the post below. Kindly go through all the below details before submitting your application Offline.

Vacancy Name Steno Typist
Education Requirement Diploma, Any Graduation
Total Vacancy to be filled 78 Posts
Salary Range Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- per month
Job Location Jammu and Kashmir
Last Date To Apply 15/06/2017

Qualification:  Graduate or equivalent from any recognized University. Diploma in Shorthand and typewriting from a recognized institute, having speed of 60 W.P.M in Shorthand and 30 W.P.M in typing on computer key Board.

Vacancy Name Junior Assistant
Education Requirement Any Graduation
Total Vacancy to be filled 201 Posts
Salary Range Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- per month
Job Location Jammu and Kashmir
Last Date To Apply 15/06/2017

Qualification: Graduation from a recognized University, and Six months certificate course in computer application.


  • Number of posts may increase or decrease, depending on vacancy position at the time of final selection.
  • Only candidates belonging to the concerned Division can apply.
  • Age as on 01.01.2017. l) Should not be below 18 Years; and ll) Not above:-  40 years in case of Open Merit candidates. 42years in case of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OSC candidates. 42 years in case of Physically Challenged candidates.  48 years in case of Ex-Servicemen. 40 years in case of candidates already in Government Service/Contractual employees

Selection Procedure:

  • Interested and eligible candidates can apply before 15/06/2017.
  • Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview by the JK High Court norms or decision.

How To Apply?

  • The application duly filled up by the candidate in his/her own hand with recent passport size photographs scanned at specified places shown in the annexed format of the application form and attested photocopies of the following testimonials:
  • Date of Birth Certificate.
  • PermanentResidentCertificate.
  • Qualification Certificate and marks Certificates.
  • Six months course in computer application certificate’
  • Diploma certificate of shorthand and typing from recognized institute (relevant only for posts mentioned at item No. 01 & 02).
  • Character Certificate; and demand draft of Rs. 200/= in the name of Principal Secretary to Hon’ble the Chief Justice, High Court of J&K drawn on any branch of Jammu & Kashmir Bank and payable at srinagarlammu, may be personally delivered by the candidate(s) in the office of Concerned Principal District and Sessions Judge, during the schedule office hours on or before 15th ofJune, 2017

Import Instructions: 

  • Application not accompanied by required testimonials shall not be entertained’
  • Candidates who are eligible for applying for more than one post are required to apply on the prescribed application form separately for each post.
  • The single application form filled in for more than one post shall render the application liable to rejection without notice and no claim will be entertained even for the same cadre of post.
  • Any wrong or incorrect information furnished by the candidate shall lead to the rejection of his/her candidature at any stage without notice. The selection shall be made as per the reservation Rules.
  • The eligible candidates shall have to appear in written test as would be prescribed by Selection Committee on the date(s) notified separately.
  • The date  of test shall be notified through print media and separate call letters will not be mailed to the candidate. No TA/DA shall be paid for the test/interview. Applications delivered after due date shall not be entertained

Address For The Job
: JK High Court, Jammu and Kashmir

Important Dates:

Last Date to Apply: 15/06/2017

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://jkhighcourt.nic.in/doc/upload/recruitment/noti323.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Click here to view full notification.[/button]