5 Jammu & Kashmir Entrepreneurship  Development Institute (J&KEDI) Recruitment 2018 : Salary Upto 45000

Jammu & Kashmir Entrepreneurship  Development Institute (J&KEDI) Recruitment 2018 : Salary Upto 45000

The institute  proposes to fill up one position of Incubation Manager for its Center for Innovation, Incubation and Business Modeling (CIIBM) on contract/deputation basis for a period of 1 year on the basis of All India Competition.

Post Name :  Incubation Manager

Pay Scale of 15600-39100 Grade Pay 6600/- (pre-revised)

Eligibility :

Interested candidates within the age group of 21-50 having Master’s degree in Engineering/ Management/ Computer Applications with 55% marks from a recognized University and 3 years of relevant experience (post qualification) in facilitating the incubatees to commercialize their products from any educational / training Institution.

Monthly remuneration :

Monthly remuneration of Rs.45,000/-. However, higher remuneration can also be considered in favour of the candidates with extra ordinary merit and experience.

The forms can be downloaded from the Institute’s website www.jkedi.org as well.

How to apply :

Interested candidates may apply to the Director, JKEDI, Pampore, Kashmir / SIDCO Industrial Estate , Baribrahma, Jammu on prescribed format available against a cash payment of Rs. 100/- at JKEDI, Pampore, Kashmir and JKEDI, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Baribrahma, Jammu on all working days from 12 May 2018.

Application Forms complete in all respects, supported by the photocopies of all certificates, testimonials and accompanied by a  Bank Draft of Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) drawn in favour of “Director, J&K Entrepreneurship Development Institute” should reach the office of the Institute at Pampore, Kashmir / SIDCO Industrial Estate, Baribrahma, Jammu by or before 30 May 2018. Downloaded forms should be accompanied by a Demand Draft of Rs. 1100.00/-.

The experience Certificates should be supported by the Bank Account statement reflecting therein the salary credited for the period of previous job(s). The candidates appointed on contract shall be entitled to a consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs.45,000/-. However, higher remuneration can also be considered in favour of the candidates with extra ordinary merit and experience.

No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the Test / Viva-voce.

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”http://jkedi.org/latest/HR/Download%20Application%20Form.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click here for Application form[/button]

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