JKSSB Recruitment logo 1 Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board - Assistant Information Officer - Selection Criteria and Syllabus

Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board – Assistant Information Officer – Selection Criteria and Syllabus

Criteria for Selection:

Criteria for Selection for the posts of Assistant Information Officers, Divisional Cadre Jammu/Kashmir, Advertised vide Notification No. 03 of 2006 dated 28-12-2006, State Cadre, Advertised vide Notification No 03 of 2008 dated 05-05-2008, District Cadre Bandipora, Udhampur, Rajouri, Doda, and Bandipora, Advertised vide Notification No 06 of 2008 dated 28-05-2008, and State Cadre, Advertised vide Notification No 08 of 2010 dated 24-12-2010-regarding.

1. It is notified for the information of all the candidates of aforementioned notifications that the selection in respect of the above posts will be made on pro rate basis, as per following break-up:-

1. Graduation in any discipline = 30 Marks/Points.
2. Diploma in Journalism = 10 Marks/Points.
3. Graduation in Journalism = 40 Marks/Points.
4. Masters Degree in Journalism =15 Marks/Points.
5. History as one of the subject in Graduation = 05 Marks/Points.
6. Aptitude = 20 Marks/Points.
7. Interview = 20 Marks/Points

The above criteria are subject to the following terms & conditions:-
1) Only one Graduation possessed by the candidate shall be considered.
2) In case, a candidate possesses both Degree in Journalism and Diploma in Journalism, only Graduation in Journalism shall be considered.

Detailed Notification


Marks:- 100 Marks
Time :- 120 Minutes

Syllabus for Aptitude Test for the posts of Assistant Information Officer:-

PART – A (60 Marks)

1. Writing Assessment:- 60 Marks.

a. Report Writing.
b. Press release Writing.
c. Feature Writing.
d. Editorial.
e. Translation: – English to Urdu/Hindi and Vice Versa
f. Editing skills.

PART – B (40 Marks)

1. English Language:- 20 Marks.

a. Sentence rearrangement /Shuffling of sentence parts.
b. Sentence completion.
c. One word substitute.
d. Idioms and Phrases.
e. Kinds of sentences-Simple, Compound, Complex
f. Active/Passive Voice.
g. Antonyms and Synonyms.
h. Fill in the Blanks &Use of Articles.
i. Direct/Indirect Speech.

2. General Awareness: – 20 Marks.

a. Current Affairs.
b. Indian History.
c. Scientific Research.
d. Indian Culture.
e. Indian Polity.
f. Foreign Affairs.
g. Sports.
h. Indian Economy.
i. J&K History, Culture, Economy & Geography.

Note:- The candidates competing for Open Merit posts will be required to score at least 40% marks(overall) in the said exam with at least 33% marks in both parts i.e Part A & Part B to be considered qualified for Aptitude Test. The candidates belonging to other categories (except OM) are required to score at least 35% marks (overall) with at least 33% in each part. There will be negative marking (0.25 per question) in Part ‘B” per wrong answers.

Detailed Syllabus

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