intern iust IUST Internships 2022 - Apply Now!

IUST Internships 2022 – Apply Now!

The Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), Awantipora, seeks to engage graduates/Post Graduates who have completed their qualifying degree within two years up to the last date of this advertisement notice (i.e. on or after 15-01-2020) from various recognized Universities / Institutions within India as “Interns”. These “Interns” shall be given exposure to various administrative Divisions/ Departments/ Laboratories and would be expected to learn and contribute to the process of working of the university through their knowledge in their respective areas. Therefore, online applications are invited from dynamic,
tech-savvy and committed fresh graduates and postgraduates to serve as Interns (Administrative/Technical) purely on temporary basis for a period of six months in the first instance.

Number of Positions Administrative: 35 Technical: 20

  • Important Dates:

    Date of availability of online applications: 05-01-2022

    Last date of submission of online applications: 16-01-2022

    Last date of submission of Hard copy of downloaded online application forms: 17-01-2022


General Instructions:
1. The candidate must be domicile of J&K and should not be more than 27 years of age as on the date of the advertisement.
2. Before applying for the internship, candidates are advised to satisfy themselves about their eligibility.
3. Candidates not fulfilling the requirements prescribed here-in-above as on the last date prescribed for submission of online application form need not to
4. Candidates are required to apply online through University website No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. The
non-refundable fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) shall have to be deposited as application fee through online mode.
5. Hard copy of application form complete in all respects duly supported by self attested copies of all relevant documents, certificates and testimonials shall have to be submitted in the office of the Trainings & Placements by or before the Last Date of submission of hardcopies of the application forms
(i.e. 17-01-2022), failing which the online application form submitted by the candidates shall not be considered.
6. Screening/shortlisting, (if needed), shall be done as per the University policy as adopted in this regard.                                                                                    7. All relevant information/updates shall be uploaded on University website The Candidates are advised to remain in touch with University
8. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, at the time of joining. No TA / DA shall be paid for appearing in
the written test.
9. The University reserves the right to defer / not to fill up any or all internship positions advertised here-in above, without assigning any reason thereof.
10. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of internship positions advertised here-in-above.
11. The University reserves the right to alter/insert any corrections/additions in the advertisement notice through university website only, for which the
candidates are advised to remain in touch with the official website:
12. The University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate(s) at any stage in the process of selection in case any mistake is detected even after the issue of engagement letter.


Full Notification  Apply Now

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