Indian Post Office Recruitment 2017 India Post Mega Recruitment 2020 for J&K

India Post Mega Recruitment 2020 for J&K

On 06/07/2020, India Post announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 10TH for the position of Gramin Dak Sevak.

Post Name Gramin Dak Sevak
No of Posts 442 Posts
Job Location Baramulla, Jammu, Leh, Rajouri, Srinagar, Udhampur
Last Date to Apply 05/08/2020
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Qualification Details:

Applications are invited by the respective engaging authorities as shown in the annexure I against each post, from eligible candidates for the selection and engagement to the following posts of Gramin Dak Sevaks.

1. Post Name: Gramin Dak Sevaks

2. No of Post: 442 (Community wise Consolidation of Posts)

3. Educational Qualification:

(i) Secondary School Examination pass certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in Mathematics, local language and English (having been studied as compulsory or elective subjects) conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the Government of India/State Governments/ Union Territories in India shall be a mandatory educational qualification for all approved categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks.(Referred to in Directorate Order No 17-31/2016-GDS dated 25.06.2018).The Candidate passed Xth class examination in first attempt will be treated as meritorious against those passed compartmentally.

(ii) Compulsory knowledge of Local Language The candidate should have studied the local language at least up to 10th standard [as compulsory or elective subjects] as declared by the State Government or as per constitutional provisions relating to the 8th schedule of Constitution of India

(iii) Basic Computer Training The candidates for all approved categories of GDS referred to in (i) above will be required to furnish Basic Computer Training Course Certificate of at least 60 days duration from any Computer Training Institute run by Central Government/State Government /Universities / Boards / Private Institutions Organizations.This requirement of basic computer knowledge certificate shall be relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in Matriculation or class XII or any other higher educational level and in such cases, a separate certificate will not be insisted upon

4. Pay Scale: BPM: Minimum TRCA for 4 Hours/Level 1 in TRCA Slab: Rs.12,000/-
ii. Minimum TRCA for 5 hours/Level 2 in TRCA slab: Rs.14,500/-
iii. ABPM/Dak Sevak: Minimum TRCA for 4 Hours/Level 1 in TRCA Slab: Rs.10,000/-
iv. Minimum TRCA for 5 hours/Level 2 in TRCA slab: Rs.12,000/-

5. Job Profile:-

(i) Branch Postmaster (BPM): The Job Profile of Branch Post Master will include managing affairs of Branch Post Office, India Posts Payments Bank (IPPB) and ensuring uninterrupted counter operation during the prescribed working hours using the handheld device/Smartphone/laptop supplied by the Department. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA, since the same is being done on incentive basis.

(ii)Assistant Branch Postmaster (ABPM): The Job Profile of Assistant Branch Post Master will include all functions of sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and Delivery of mail at doorstep deposits/payments/other transactions under IPPB, assisting Branch Postmasters in counter duties using the handheld device/Smart phone supplied by the Department. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA, since the same is being done on incentive basis.

(iii)Dak Sevak: The Job Profile of Dak Sevaks will include all functions of viz sale of stamps and stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/ Sub Postmaster including IPPB work in the Departmental Post Offices/RMS. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA, since the same is being done on incentive basis.

Age: The minimum and maximum of age for the purpose of engagement to GDS posts shall be 18 and 40 years respectively as on 06.07.2020 the date of notification of the vacancies
Application Fee: Applicant belonging to the category UR/OBC/EWS Male/trans-man have to pay a fee of Rs.100/-(Rupees one hundred only) for each set of five options.Payment of fee is exempted for all female/trans-woman candidates, all SC/ST candidates and all PwD candidates.

Document Required:

1. X class / SSC Certificate (or) X class/SSC Certificate combined marks memo
2. X class / SSC Mark Sheet marks / grades / points for the candidates having certificate and marks memo separately (or) X Class/SSC additional Marks Memo having marks / grades / points for candidate having two marks memos being qualified in single attempt
3. DOB proof if DOB is not in the X class / SSC Mark Certificate/ SSC Marks Memo (or) X Class/SSC 2nd additional Marks Memo having marks / grades / points for candidate having two marks memos being qualified in single attempt
4. Computer Certificate
5. Community Certificate
6. Photo
7. Signature
8. Certificate of Disability
9. Certificate of Transgender

Important Instructions

1. The Engaging Authority of each post reserves the right to modify or cancel the notification of a post at any time without assigning any reason.Candidates should note that once the details of Registration or of application are submitted the details cannot be modified or altered. No such requests will be entertained at any level.

2. This document is computer generated no signature is required.

3. Queries of candidates related to notification may be given to [email protected]

4. Any technical issues in uploading of documents & submission of online data may be given to [email protected]. It is requested to the candidates that before raising any query go through FAQ document and if any specific case that may be raised.

Selection Procedure :

i. Selection will be made as per the automatic generated merit list as per the rules based on the candidates online submitted applications.

ii. No weightage will be given for higher educational qualification. Only marks obtained in 10th standard of approved Boards aggregated to percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals will be the criteria for finalizing the selection. Passing of all the subjects as per the respective approved board norms is mandatory subject to the conditions referred in Clause B of Notifications pertaining to Required Educational Qualifications for taking candidate into account for calculating the merit.

iii. Candidates having both marks and grades in the marks list have to apply with marks only. In case any candidates apply with grades only his application liable for disqualification.

iv. In case of the marks lists containing the Grades/ Points, marks will be reckoned by taking conversion of Grades and points with the multiplication factor (9.5) against the maximum points or grade as 100.

v. In case candidates get the same marks, the merit order would be taken as DOB(higher age as merit), ST trans-woman, ST female, SC trans-woman, SC female, OBC trans-woman, OBC female, EWS trans-woman, EWS female, UR trans-woman, UR female, ST trans-male, ST Male, SC transmale, SC Male, OBC trans-male, OBC male, EWS trans-male, EWS male, UR trans-male, UR male.

vi. A candidate can apply for a maximum of twenty posts as per cycle of online engagement. This inter alia means that a prospective candidate can apply for twenty posts on a single application spread across one or all Circles. However, this count of twenty posts is inclusive of vacancies arising in candidate’s Home Circle. (Home Circle means the circle in the native/ domicile state of prospective candidate in which he/she is permanently residing and studied SSC where Postal Circle is providing opportunity).

vii. If a candidate opts for five posts with preference post1, post2, post3, post4, post5 etc and selected as meritorious in more than one post, the post in the order of preference will be offered and the candidature for all the remaining posts will be forfeited.Similarly, in case of a candidate if joins at any selected post, offers to the remaining choices will automatically be forfeited. If a candidate has applied for more than one circle only one post will be offered per circle.

viii. Applicants submitted applications with incomplete/incorrect data will also be rejected from consideration. Candidate should select appropriate Board basing on the year of pass and Board of pass from the respective states which recognised the Boards. Any deviation with reference to the documents submitted and data entered will also liable for rejection of the candidature.

How to Apply :

1. Only online application will be accepted from the candidate. Candidate who desires to apply online will have to register himself / herself in the portal through or with effect from 06.07.2020 to 05.08.2020 with the following basic details to obtain the Registration Number:-

i) Name (In capital letter as per X class certificate Marks Memo including spaces)
ii) Father Name
iii) Mobile Number (Unique for one Registration number)
iv) Date of Birth
v) Gender
vi) Community
vii) PH – Type of Disability – (HH/OH/VH)- Percentage of disability
viii) State in which Xth class passed
ix) Board in which Xth class passed
x) Year of Passing Xth class
xi) Xth Class Certificate Number / Roll Number (optional)
xii) Transgender certificate issued by Dist rict. meg

2. Only one Registration is allowed for one candidate. The same registration number should be used for submission of applications during the cycle to any of the circles. Mobile number mapping is mandatory for Registration. Once Registered the same mobile number will not be allowed for further Registrations of any other candidates also.

3. In case of any duplicate Registration is found by altering the basic details all the candidatures relating to all such Registrations will be removed for consideration of selection.Any candidate who forgot the registration number can retrieve the registration number through option ‘Forgot registration’.

[button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Apply[/button]

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