wsi imageoptim JKPSC Selection Lists 2 Important Notification for JKPSC - KAS aspirants

Important Notification for JKPSC – KAS aspirants

Subject: Conduct of the J&K Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2018- Issuance of revised Admit Cards thereof;

Notice Dated:03.09.2018

The J&K Public Service Commission will be conducting the J&K Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination-2018, at already notified Centers/Venues, on 16.09.2018. The Commission has uploaded the revised e-Admit Card, inter-alia mentioning the rescheduled date of examination, for the convenience of the admitted candidates on the Commission’s Web-site i.e. The candidates are advised to download their e-Admit Card for the Examination and take a printout thereof. The admitted candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Card(s) at the respective allotted Venue(s) for appearing in the Examination. Candidates should carry proof of the identity such as Aadhaar Card, Identity Card or Voter Card or Passport or Driving License along with the e-Admit Card to the Examination Venue.

Candidates are advised to take a printout of e-Admit Card well in advance to avoid last minute rush. “Important Instructions to the Candidates” must be read carefully by the candidates. In case of any discrepancy noticed in the e-Admit Card, the same shall be communicated to the J&K Public Service Commission immediately at email id: [email protected], latest by 10th of September, 2018 to enable the Commission to take a decision in the matter.

It may also be noted that entry into the Examination Venue shall be closed 10 minutes after the scheduled commencement of the Examination i.e. 10:10 AM for the Forenoon Session and 02:10 PM for the Afternoon Session. No candidate shall be allowed the entry into the Examination Venue after closure of the entry.

Candidates are also advised to bring Blue/Black Ball Point Pen as the candidates shall be required to fill the OMR Answer Sheet/ Attendance List with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only.

Remain Updated with all the Notifications from JKPSC. Like their Facebook Page below:

Candidates may submit representation(s), if any, on the questions asked in the Question Paper(s) of this Examination to the Commission during the period from 17th to 19th of September, 2018 after which no representation shall be accepted by the Commission.

Note: Candidate(s) shall not be allowed to appear at any other Examination Venue except the Examination Venue mentioned in the e-Admit Card. The stipulation contained in the advertisement Notification No. PSC/Exam/2018 /38 dated:25.05.2018 mentioning in explicit terms that “Option for allotment of centre once exercised by a candidate shall be final and shall not be subject to any change at any cost” is hereby reiterated.

Mobile phones (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc, or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device are banned inside the Examination Hall. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action against the concerned candidate(s) including debarment from future Examination/ Selection.

Valuable/costly items and bags are also not allowed inside the Examination Venue.

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click here for Official Notification[/button]

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Download revised Admit Card.[/button]

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