jammu and kashmir govt HUDD AEIRO Govt Dental College & Hospital Srinagar Recruitment

Govt Dental College & Hospital Srinagar Recruitment

Govt Dental College & Hospital Srinagar Recruitment

In view of the nature of emergency services and in the best interest of patient care, online application forms from the domicile of Union Territory of J&K are invited for engagement of following posts purely on academic arrangement basis for teaching and research programme only in terms of SRO-24 dated: 10-01-2019 in Government Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar for a period of One (1) year in the first instance or till the posts are filled up by the competent authority whichever is earlier in the following Specialties:

The application process shall be completed/submitted in the online mode only. In this regard, applicants are directed to visit the official website of this Institution (www.gdcsrinagar.org) for submission of their application forms. The applicants are advised to upload the following documents duly self-attested. The applicants are also advised to upload the fee receipt after depositing fee in any J&K Bank Branch. The applicants can apply online upto 08-01-2021 (03:00 PM).

The link will be available from 27-11-2020 from 11:00 AM onwards.

List of documents to be uploaded:

  • BDS Degree & Internship completion certificate.
  • Post Graduate Degree Certificate in concerned specialty.
  • Registration Certificate of J&K Dental Council.
  • Attempt certificate of all the BDS/MDS examinations issued by the University.
  • Experience certificate as required for eligibility.
  • Distinction Scholarship, Honours, Medals and certificate.
  • House Job certificate in attaching institution.
  • Professional publications in a standard Dental Journal.
  • Date of Birth certificate.
  • Domicile Proof.
  • Aadhar Card and PAN Card (mandatory as per DCI).


  • The eligible candidate shall have to appear for interview before the Selection Committee in the office chambers of the undersigned for which dates shall be notified separately and will also be available on official website of this institution (gdcsrinagar.org)
  • The requisite fee for Lecturer/Assistant Professor Post is Rs. 700/=


  1. In-Service candidate /official shall not be eligible for the engagement to these posts.
  2. The maximum age at the time of application should be 63 years.
  3. All appointees shall be bound by the terms & conditions as envisaged vide above referred SROs and other instructions issued from time to time by the Government
  4. The appointment shall not entitle the appointee to any preferential claim for regular appointment under normal process of selection/engagement.
  5. The appointment on academic arrangement basis against a post shall be made only when filling up of the post according to relevant recruitment rules is likely to be time consuming.
  6. The appointees shall be entitled the salary as applicable under SRO-24 dated: 10-01-2019. The appointee shall also be entitled to house rent allowance as applicable to in-service candidates carrying the minimum of the pre-revised scale of the post subject to fulfillment of the conditions provided under the relevant rules in this regard. An appointee shall not be entitled to any other monetary benefits whatsoever.
  7. Staff engaged on teaching posts shall be put on teaching and Research duties and shall not be assigned any administrative duties at any level like the positions of Principal, Head of the Department and Head of the Unit.
  8. The appointee under these rules shall have to execute an agreement with the Government on the prescribed format.
  9. A passport size photograph should be pasted at the appropriate place in the application form.
  10. The applicants should have done Tutorship/Demonstratorship/Registrarship in the concerned speciality after post graduation at least for two (2) years.

The eligible candidates shall have to appear for interview before the selection committee at Government Dental College & Hospital, Srinagar for which dates shall be notified separately. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview

Name of Post No. of Vacancy Eligibility criteria
Lecturer 1 (one) Masters Degree or equivalent in the concerned specialty recognized by Dental Council of India with two years teaching experience as Registrar/ Demonstrator/Tutor from any recognized institute after post graduation.
1 (one) Masters Degree or equivalent in the concerned specialty recognized by Dental Council of India with three years experience as lecturer from any recognized institute with minimum of one (1) Research publications indexed in Medicus/National Journals as first author.

PHONE NO: 0194-2504701, 0194-2504702

FAX NO: 0194-2504703

E-mail: [email protected]

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