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Fresh J&K Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Recruitment

J&K Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department F,CS & CA Recruitment invites application for hiring of Technical Manpower

F,CS & CA frequired man power for implementation of Scheme “End to End Computerization of TPDS operation in District Poonch”.

The number of persons to be hired in the District for 3 (Three) Months and the eligibility criteria is given below:
The Criteria for hiring of the technical manpower is given below:-

District : Poonch

Period of Hiring : 03 months

Eligibility criteria : 10+2 with one-year Diploma in computer Application /Degree in computer application with typing speed of minimum 30 wpm

Monthly Dues (remuneration) : Rs 10000 (Ten Thousand only)

Total Vacancy : 04 (Four)

Last Date : 25 Oct 2018 (02:00PM)

The forms shall be received at the Office of Assistant Director, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department Poonch.

  1. Candidate must be a permanent resident of Jammu & Kashmir state.
  2. Candidate applying for the hiring must be resident of District Poonch.
  3. Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 01-07-2018.
  4. The eligible candidates shall be selected for a period of (03) three months purely on need basis and the period of hiring shall in no case be extended beyond three months.
  5. The selection of the Candidate will be based on points system on prorate basis and with the below mentioned breakup:-

a) 20 points shall be for academic qualification i.e. 10+2. The higher qualification shall not be considered while framing the merit.

b) 20 points shall be for having Experience of EPDS work.

c) 10 points shall be for one year computer diploma/degree in computer application.

d) 40 points for typing test

e) 10 points for viva voice.

The Candidate shall be shortlisted for viva on the basis of merit obtained in academic/ technical on prorate basis. The number of Candidate shortlisted shall be five times the number of technical hands/ persons to be hired.


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