JK Govt Directorate of Health Services Directorate of Health Services Govt Recruitment for Various Districts

Directorate of Health Services Govt Recruitment for Various Districts

In supersession of earlier advertisement issued vide No. DHS-J/Sch/NMHP/980 dated 15.01.2018. fresh application on the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for contractual hiring of manpower in various districts of Jammu Division under National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) for the following vacant posts.

The application form complete in all respects be deposited in the NMHP Cell Directorate of Health Services, Jammu by or before 05.03.2020 between 10.00 AM to 4.30 PM on all working days

Posts Details below :

Clinical Psychologist

To examine and manage health care needs of the mentally ill patients., periodic follow-up of mentally ill patients and outreach activities in PHCs & CHCs.

To impart training to the health personnel of CHCs/PHCs.

Psychiatric Social Worker

To help patients gain access to support groups, higher education, vocational skills and employment facilities, certification, reservations and other benefits

To make domiciliary visits for persons with severe mental disorder,

To make community based rehabilitation interventions.

Medical Record Keeper

To coordinate between Chief Medical Officer and District Programme Officer for implementation of various activities under the Programme.

To prepare the statement of accounts and facilitate the preparation of utilization certificate and its submission to

Programme Officer

Ensure regular entry of all relevant data in the computer and its submission to Programme Officer

Any other job assigned as per program need.


1. Eligible Candidates can apply, however preference will be given to the local candidates of their respective Districts for which the post is advertised.

2. The hiring is purely on contractual basis till 31-03-2020 which shall be renewable for a furiher period of one year based on satisfactory work and conduct. The appointing authority shall have the right to terminate hiring without assigning any reason

3. The candidate shall have to give one month advance notice before leaving the job

4 The contractual hiring shall not confer any right on the candidate to claim right to become permanent

5. The consolidated honorarium per month is Inclusive of all allowances and monetary benefits.

6. The entitlement of leave, travel etc. shall be governed by the rulejs in vogue and as applicable to the contractual / consolidated employees at State Health Society

7. The candidate shall have to join his/her duty within 21 days from the date of issuance of selection list along with the requisite original documents failing which his/her appointment shall automatically be treated as cancelled

8. The selected candidates will have to work in the Districts / Institutions against which they are selected and their engagement shall be non transferable.

9 The hiring shall be governed by the other terms and conditions as are not specially mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such appointments at any time by the State Health Society.

10. If the number of applicants is more than five times the number of posts advertised then a screening test may be conducted. The date of screening test and its venue shall be notified in leading local newspapers and in the website.

11 Qualifying candidates shall have to appear for the interview, the date of which will be notified in leading local newspapers. No separate interview call letters shall be issued individually.

12. The candidate shall have to execute a contract agreement with the respective Chief Medical Officer of the district

13. The applicants should attach the self attested copies of the following testimonials with the application form.

1 One passport size photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer to be affixed on the application form and one separate Photograph to be submitted along with the form.

ii. Relevant essential qualification certificate including Marks sheet and Degrees

iii. Matriculation Certificate / Date of Birth Certificate

tv. Registration Certificate from Rehabilitation Council of India in respect of Clinical Psychologist

v. Residence proof as per format to be issued by concerned Tehsildar.

General Instructions:

• No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidate for attending the screening test / interview

• Applications not accompanied with necessary supporting documents, shall be rejected summarily.

• In case, the last date for receipt of application is declared a holiday, next working day shall be deemed to the last date for receiving the applications.

Note: The notification of hiring of contractual staff, application form and certificate of proof of residence can be downloaded from the official website : www.dhsjammu.co.in

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