central university of kashmir. AEIRO CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR - Recruitment 2020


Central University of Kashmir Recruitment 2020 to fill in 21 vacant positions. Walk-in for Assistant Professor & Teaching Assistant Posts will be conducted on 03 Mar 2020. These vacancies are in Central University of Kashmir, Galore, Himachal Pradesh on Contract Basis.

Applications on the prescribed form are invited from the eligible candidates for the posts of Assistant
Professor/Teaching Assistant on contractual basis in the following Departments:

S.No. Department Date of Walk-in-Interview Venue
1. Physics 17-02-2020 (10:00am) Central University of Kashmir, Green Campus, Ganderbal-191201
2. Mathematics
3. Commerce
4. Management Studies 18-02-2020 (10:00am)
5. B.Voc (Retail & Logistic Management)
6. English
7. Urdu
8. Law
9. Biotechnology 18-02-2020 (10:00am) Central University of Kashmir, Nunar Campus, Ganderbal-191201
10. Chemistry
11. Animal Science (Zoology) 19-02-2020
12. Physical Education 19-02-2020 (10:00am) Central University of Kashmir, Green Campus, Ganderbal-191201
13. Information Technology
14. Tourism Studies 24-02-2020 (10:00am)
15. B.Voc (Tourism & Hospitality Management)
16. Politics & Governance
17. Education
(Subject: Education, Psychology/Guidance & Counselling)
02-03-2020 (10:00am)
18. Economic
19. Religious Studies
20. Teacher Education
(Subject: Education, History, Geography, Physical Science)
03-03-2020 (10:00am)
21. Convergent Journalism

Pay Details:

S.No Assistant Professor /Teaching Assistant on contractual basis Consolidated Salary
01 Assistant Professor (contractual) candidate with
Rs. 40,000/month
02 Assistant Professor (contractual) candidate without
Rs. 34,100/month
03 Teaching Assistant (Contractual) as per the
requirement of the Departments
Rs. 30,000/month, provided he/she shall deliver
minimum 40 lectures/month

Note: 1). Candidates figuring in the lower merit/waiting list may be engaged as Teaching Assistants, subject to the requirement of Departments.
2) The credentials of the applicants as mentioned in Table-I, shall have a weight-age of 60 marks out of 100 & 40 marks are allotted for interview.
3).Candidates having PG only in the relevant subjects without NET/SLET/Ph.D can also apply. However, they may be engaged at a lower salary as mentioned above, in lieu of less/unavailability of suitable number of candidates with NET/SLET/PH.D

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”https://www.cukashmir.ac.in/docs/walk-in-interview.pdf” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” target=”true”]Click Here for Full Job Notification[/button]

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”https://www.cukashmir.ac.in/” icon=”fa-external-link” target=”true”]Click Here to Apply[/button]

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